I have two questions.
I have ConvetKit as my newsletter service provider. Is your newsletter plugin compatible with ConvertKit? I need to set up a subscribe to our newsletter feature to collect emails.
The search box in the header of your theme is turning white due to the color of my header. Is there a way to adjust the color of the search button without having to affect my header? I can’t color my header a dark color because I want to display my logo. Please advise.
Thank you
I’ve just found on ConvertKit website this useful post that might help you:
http://help.convertkit.com/article/99-the-convertkit-wordpress-pluginIn order to change the colors of search icon try this:
Go on your backend and then -> Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS and paste this snippet of CSS code
[class*="qt-content-primary"] .qt-btn-ghost {border-color: #000!important;color: #000!important}
I look forward to helping you,
This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by
Hi Andrea,
Thank you so much for your help! Will this allow me to put ConvertKit into your visual composer like you guys have it with MailChimp?
Try this: in Visual Composer add a new text block and then paste the ConvertKit shortcode as described in the tutorial (http://d.pr/i/DLOXe7).
You should be able to use it like our Mailchimp integration.Let me know if this work for you.
Have a good day!Andrea
You’re welcome!
If you need more support on our product feel free to ask me.Have a great day,
AndreaHi Andrea,
My website designer just sent me a message saying that when he goes into the appearance and then tries to customize the colors it won’t let him click to change the color codes to the header and text. Can you please advise what may be going wrong?
you can suggest to your designer to update the theme and plugins to the latest version.
In order to do it just follow the easy steps included in our manual:- http://www.themes2go.xyz/manuals/lifecoach/knowledge-base/how-to-update-the-theme/
- http://www.themes2go.xyz/manuals/lifecoach/knowledge-base/plugins-updates/
All the best,
AndreaIs there a way to update the theme without affecting the content on the site or what we’ve already designed?
Updating the theme and plugins will not affect your contents 🙂Hi,
Our Colorization module is still not working. We updated the theme as you said and it is still not working. Here is a note from our developer….
When I updated the theme today, I followed the instructions you sent me from Support, and there were no plugins in the theme directory that the instructions said would have them.
Instead, I saw this note below in the Plugins directory – We updated the WP Bakery plugin in the fashion they describe to fix the color selector, but I’m not sure what they mean by the themes2go.xyz repository. Do you know what that is, or if we have access to it? If so, I need the file named js-composer.zip, if there’s a new version up there.
Could you please advise so we can get this working. Please advise!
Thank you!
the plugins are in our server. The repository is a folder in the server.The color customizer is not related with Visual Composer. The Customizer is managed by another plugin, the Theme Core Plugin.
The actual version of the Theme Core Plugin is 1.2.1.As WordPress recently changed the color customizer software, we had to update the theme core in order to work with this latest WordPress (4.9).
So please be sure that you have 1.2.1, and in case you don’t, please go in the theme dashboard (click Life Coach on the top left corner) and go in Plugins.
You will see a plugin update notice in that page, and you can update immediately.If you still have problems, please send us a screenshot of your Plugins page, so we can see if there is anything that may be interferring.
We are having an issue with putting a permanent photo on the blog page in the header. It’s currently pulling the latest post photo and putting it in the header. How do we fix this to a permanent photo in the header just like you have it in the live theme header.Thanks
Also, on top of my last question that I asked an hour ago and in need of a response.
I just got this back from my website designer regarding the video page.
When I went to change in Video Love to enable a modal vs a detail page for the Video section, its not doing it.
Can you please advise? We don’t want a detailed page…we just want the video to play without content in the post. The theme is not enabling it. Thank you
I think you’re talking about the blog archive, right?
Make sure you’ve created it on a new page, then select the template (sidebar, no sidebar, cards) and set your feature image as shown in the image below.Kind regards,
regarding the video section, I’ve just checked on our demo site and it works fine the video opening modal.Please make sure that in VideoLove settings is selected the Swipebox feature.
http://d.pr/i/OimLs0Otherwise, there could be third-party plugins that interfere with the modal. Just give a try and disable all the unnecessary plugins (with swipebox feature on VideoLove plugin) and refresh the video archive page.
Let me know if it works.
AndreaOk, thank you. I just forwarded your response to my designer to see if they can fix the blog header image on the main blog page and the video.
They are also having an issue bringing over all of my existing podcast post from my old website because they said that your theme doesn’t like links that have podcast in the url already. This is what they sent to me:
The Life Coach theme locks down URLs with “/podcast” in them, and won’t let us change the podcast post URLs to remove it. This presents us with a little challenge…
Can you please advise?
Sorry for having to ask so many questions. We are getting our site redesign and we chose this theme and it seems to be having a lot of issues for us. In addition to my previous question that I ask and still awaiting a response.
I have another question-
Is there an option for me to move a post to the podcast section? When our designer brought our site over it filled some podcast into the blog section on it’s on. Is there a way for me to move the section that it’s in? We have over 200 post and I need an easier way to categorize everything in it’s right sections.Please advise.
Thank you for all of your help!
1) /podcast url: yes this permalink is used by the theme for the podcasts default archive. To change it, you have to edit the code of the theme, this is not covered by the theme support but I can point your developer in the right direction.You can edit the default podcast permalink editing the file
line 27 you find'rewrite' => true
change this in
'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => 'whatever-you-want' ),
Remember that if you apply theme customizations of this kind, you have to make them again whenever a new theme version comes out. For this reason, you can better copy entirely the function
and put it in the functionsphp of your child theme, so it will override the original function from the theme.
All these customizations are special coding changes that are not covered by the support, so your developer has to follow them autonomously.The complete reference from WordPress is here:
Alternative: if the podcast you have is simply a category, edit the category and call it in another way, like “podcasts”, and the problem will be avoided.
Am I able to categorize my podcast post just like I’m able to categorize my blog post? I want people to be able to have the option to listen to different categories of our podcast or filter it.
Thank you
I think I may have figured it out. I believe that’s what you guys call filters.
Yes, you can categorize your podcasts by creating new filters.
Have a good day,
AndreaWe seem to be having issues with this theme. When we go to update the media image for the filters so that a picture can show in the header banner nothing is coming up. It’s staying black although we uploaded a picture for the image. Can you please advise? Thank you
Hello hnhm,
I can’t understand where are you trying to add the image. Currently, there is no support for filters custom image. Could you be more precise, please?This is a screenshot I’ve just took few moments ago but I can’t see any place where I can add a featured image. http://d.pr/i/hFNqVu
AndreaHi Andrea,
When I click your link there’s no screenshot. When I go to the Podcast Filters and I click on filters. My list of filters which are used in place of categories displays. When I go to click on the filters it allows you to name it, slug, and ADD MEDIA which is the image to be displayed on the banner in the header. Here’s the link to one of your filters
on your live demo and your filter is named, Life Coaching. You guys have a picture of a man with a cup looking on his phone. My photo that I put on my filter is not displaying in my header like the picture of the man that you guys have. Instead, mines are just black with the name of the filter on it. How do I correct that.
Hi hnhm,
our theme doesn’t include this feature so please could you send me a screenshot of your website including the page you are talking about?On my demo website, the single podcast filter looks like this: http://d.pr/i/WnKITu.
The picture of a man with a cup looking on his phone is the default background header image. You can set it by going on your backend and then Appearance -> Customize -> Header
See this image as reference: http://d.pr/i/8ZGeP5
Obviously, you can only set one image that will be the default one for the entire website.
I am looking forward to hear you.
Have a good day,Andrea
This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by
I’m trying to figure out how I can send you the screenshot of my filter showing the add media portion that is not displaying correctly. Are you showing the updated version of your filter image? I’m not sure if this is a new update of yours or not. My filter has an add image button and it allows me to add an image but, it’s not showing on the main site when I do that. Is there a way I can send you my screenshot?
Also, do you have the exact image size of the featured image for videos and podcast posts?
Thank you
in order to make a screenshot of your website, you can watch these video.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTTcGIzeJwA
Once you’ve done the screenshot you can upload it on IMGUR (https://imgur.com/upload) and then copy and paste here the URL it will give you.
By the way, as I said in the previous replies, our theme doesn’t include that feature and the “Add media” button you see is visible due to some third-party plugins that interfere with our theme. Try to disable all the plugins you’ve installed and check if the button is still there.For the featured image you should use image with a width set to at least 1600 pixel
All the best,
This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by
Hi Andrea,
Here is the link to see what I’m referring to in regards to a filter image.
Currently, the header is black with text on it when I go to the live header. Why isn’t there a standard picture displaying here if what you’re saying is correct regarding a third party plugin which I don’t believe we have.
Is the 1600 pixels also what we should be using for video images too?
Thank you for your help
I am sorry but that editor is not part of our theme and it’s added by some extra plugins. As I said before try to deactivate all plugins and refresh the podcast filter page and see if the text editor is still visible.I’ve just checked on my local website with a fresh and updated WordPress and theme installation and there is no text editor on filter page at all.
The header is black because you haven’t set a default background header image; you can do it by going on your WP backend -> Appearance -> Customize -> Header
Check this image as reference: http://d.pr/i/TDGoM8
You can find more details concerning this kind of customizations on this manual’s page: http://www.themes2go.xyz/manuals/lifecoach/knowledge-base/customizing-your-website/Images with a width of 1600px (min dimension 1600x500px) will work fine for all your headers including the video ones.
Hope this can help you.
All the best,
Andrea -
This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by
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