Really? I will inform my developer that installed my theme for me to see if there are any plugins that he added to the site. Thank you for explaining it to me. I’ll see what he says.
I am looking for the featured image size, not the header size. The featured images on the theme are squares and the dimensions that you sent me are rectangular. Please take a look at the attached screenshot to see what the information that I’m looking for. Thank you.
I also need the dimension for the video featured image as well please. Thank you
Just simply crop your image with a square ratio, maybe 1600x1600px will fit all your needs. For the video featured image just create your image with 16:9 ratio. In our demos, the video featured images are 2550 × 1434 pixels.
Have a good day,
Are we able to have page numbers at the bottom of the page for the video homepage? When we click video all of the videos are on one page going straight down. It doesn’t show the page numbers unless we click a category. Is there a way to have pages on the main video page?
Also, is there a way to have boxes that open up to different url’s on the press page? Just like this example- https://imgur.com/a/WpXlP
Is there something in the visual composer that can mimic this. We want to organize our press page with imagery and links without having to put text. Thanks!
instead of using the video shortcode, just create a new page and set the template to “Archive Videos”. This will add the pagination after 9 items.
See the image: http://d.pr/i/zE4LxTFor the second question, in Visual Composer you can create a row, then divide it into 4 columns and add on each one an image.
All the best,
AndreaThank you very much! Will I be able to add a url link to direct towards an outside url for each image in the row of the visual composer that you explained to me in the second question?
I tried something like this the other day and I couldn’t figure out how to add a link.
Nevermind, I figured it out. Thank you for all of your help and your patience while we get our site up and running!
Question- Is there a way to have a video archive page so the page numbers can show up and still have the video play in a lightbox opposed to creating a post with a description?
In addition to the last question, I just asked…
Question- Is there a way to have a video archive page so the page numbers can show up and still have the video play in a lightbox opposed to creating a post with a description?I also need to know…
I put a new header image on my podcast page and when I go to preview the page and update it the image in the header looks fine. But, when I go on another computer or I have someone else look at the same page on their computer at home, the image is cut off and not displayed correctly.
Can you please advise on both questions?
Thank You!
Hello hnhm,
regarding the first question, video archive page can’t open your videos in modal because it works as the same way of other archive pages (for example podcast, testimonial, etc.). You can’t open your videos on a modal directly from the archive page.For the header image, we use a CSS property called “cover” (more details here: https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_background-size.asp) that resize the background image to cover the entire container, even if it has to stretch the image or cut a little bit off one of the edges.
If you resize your window’s browser you can see how it works and this helps a lot in terms of responsivity through different kind of devices and resolution, from desktop to mobile.
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by
Ok, regarding the header image is there a particular size that I should use? When I preview the image it looks one way and then when I refresh or click the podcast category the header changes and looks a different way. This is all on the same computer. Is there a way around this?
As I wrote below, this is a workaround to let all the devices have a background image that covers its container. It will always be cropped.
We suggest an image with a width of 1600px, the height it’s up to you. Try 1600px x 500px. All our images in the demo are 1600px wide with a height range from 900px to 1200px.Regards,
AndreaI understood what you were saying I just didn’t know why the image will change on the same page after I refresh it. It continues to keep showing different cropped images just by refreshing or clicking the category again. That doesn’t seem right to me. This is all on the same computer and page.
I’ll try using your image widths that you provided and see if this helps solve the issue.
This behavior is quite strange, if you provide me the URL of your website I can check it what is wrong.
Is there a way for me to send you this link privately? My site is currently not live and I don’t want the construction site’s link to be seen just yet by everyone else.
Sure, read this link:
https://www.themes2go.xyz/helpdesk/email-support/Have a good day
Another question for you. On our blog page, I am having trouble figuring the sizing of the featured image. It seems no matter what size image I put, the theme zooms in on it instead of using its original size. I have made the size very large and it zooms in, then I make the image smaller and it zooms in even more. What size should the featured image be on this page and how can I make the theme not zoom in the picture?
I can’t check the issue on your website but our theme doesn’t zoom the image.The image has two CSS properties:
`background-size: cover;
background-position: center center;`The image you choose as the featured image for a post will be centered horizontally and vertically and extended to its container.
In this demo page http://themes2go.xyz/demos/lifecoach-professional/blog-cards/ we use this kind of size
Hope this can help you.
Have a good day,Andrea
Ok, thank you. I will play around with it some more.
Is there a way to not have dates or the year show on our posts, videos, and podcasts?
Along with my previous question, is there a way to remove or prevent people from commenting on our blog or posts? Do we have the ability to remove comments?
As well as, do we have the ability to remove dates or the year showed on our posts, videos, and podcasts?
Please check out my previous question that I’m seeking advice on.Also, something strange just happened and I don’t know what’s going on. When I click my home page there is only the menu bar and the footer. All of the content is missing when I go to preview it. However, if I try to go and edit the page all of the content is on the backend it’s just not showing on the live preview. Please advise. We launch on Monday and I need to get this fixed and make sure it doesn’t happen again.
Thank You
I got the homepage to work. It’s a plugin that I added that is causing it not to show for some reason. I’ll wait for the other questions to be answered.
in order to remove the comments you can follow this WordPress guides:- https://en.support.wordpress.com/enable-disable-comments-for-future-posts/
- https://en.support.wordpress.com/enable-and-disable-comments-for-published-posts-and-pages/
You can also hide comments with a plugin:
For the other question, currently you can’t remove dates and year with ease and you need some code customization.
AndreaThanks, Andrea
We are launching our site on Monday and we put up a coming soon page. For some reason it’s still showing our new site to the public. Is there a coming soon page plugin that is compatible with your theme?
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by
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