Do you guys have an issue with your theme’s load time? Ever since we’ve used this theme the files and site run extremely slow loading. We had our website developer look into it and it’s not our hosting. It appears to be the theme. Any suggestions?
I’ve just done a test on your website using a well-known online tool called Gtmetrix.
You can see the results here:https://gtmetrix.com/reports/www.hisandhermoney.com/CFqGTUBR
As I can see the worst grade (F) is associated with heavy images you uploaded.
So, first of all, I suggest you scale down and optimize for web all the images.
You can also check the other gtmetrix tab and see what is slowing down your website.In order to improve the performance of your website, you could also use a caching plugin for your WordPress installation. Read this interesting article here: https://www.designbombs.com/top-wordpress-caching-plugins-compared/
And finally, you should check if some of your third-party plugins is affecting the entire performance of your website. Try to disable one by one and check if the load time change.
Hope this can help you,
This reply was modified 7 years ago by
The weird thing is we actually did all of that early February. We scaled down the pictures and did the cache. We actually paid a developer to make the changes for us and he used that same site you recommended and it came back at a B grade. Then I noticed our site was slowing down and I went back on Gtmetrix and it’s graded an F.
This is what he said below and maybe it’s something with the theme’s functions:
I only ask because we have made the changes and verified it in the code of the site, but the page speed tests are still seeing old info. None of those items are found on the site and they are still “showing” them as loading which isn’t correct.
If Gtmetrix is still showing old resources try to deactivate the caching plugin and test again your website.
If still doesn’t work, you have to set properly the caching plugin: usually, they have lots of settings and you need to pay attention when configuring them.
Lastly, check all you third-party plugins installed on your WordPress installation (deactive one by one and check if your website speed up). Most of the time they literally slow down websites performance so check them out.
Hope this can help you.
Have a good day,Andrea
This reply was modified 7 years ago by
Ok, I will try to deactivate the cache plugin and see if that works. thx
This reply was modified 7 years ago by
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