Hi, first thk for this theme ! it’s really great for video !
I’ve just a problem with video twitch embbed.
as you can see : http://overdause.g4melab.fr/g4melab-twitch-tv/my video twitch embbed not play….option twitch is ok.
Thk in advance for your support.
ManuHello Emmanuel and thanks for contacting us!
I’m veryfying immediately and will get back to you in few minutes,
thanks for your patience and kind collaboration
speak later
IgorHello @Emmanuel and thanks for your patience.
It looks like Twitch changed the embedded video URL, so it required a theme update.
We already made this update, tested and published on Themeforest.
You are kindly invited to update the theme as per manual instructions in order to have the new twitch embedding.If you still ahve any question or doubt please let us know
IgorHi, thank you for your back up ! i have upgrade my theme and it’s ok !
another question, on your demo version i can see a call to action for buy the theme.
Can i do the same call to action for another goal ?Last question, when I click on play video icon, icon of play does not disappear and stays in the middle of the screen.
Thk in advance for yur help,
This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by
Hi! There are different call to action, could you please link me the demo you like?
2) Play icon issue: please go in Appearance > Customize and try to activate autoplay, save, then deactivate autoplay and save again. It should fix.
If not, try to enable the autoplay and save.
After this, if you still have any problem, please link me your site
Hi ! i speak about the call to action near the “watcher later” => “buy now” in blue/green.
I would have the same ahah !ok thk for the play of video i have look and test it but it’s not resolved the problem.
it work it with twitch video, i test it yesterday but not work with youtube.
website : g4melab.frThk you for your help !
your theme is really great !
For your call to action you will need to go to your backend and then Appearance -> Customize -> Ads Manager -> Menu bar. Here you can paste and edit this shortcode:
[vc_btn title="BUY NOW" style="custom" custom_background="#01dfba" custom_text="#ffffff" size="lg" align="center" link="url:https%3A%2F%2Fthemeforest.net%2Fitem%2Fvlogger-professional-video-tutorials-wordpress-theme%2F20414115%3Frel%3DWordpressThemes2Go|||"]
An easy way to create your own buttons is through WP Bakery Page Builder: just create a new page and add a button shortcode. Once you’ve customized it, switch to classic mode, copy the text shortcode and paste it in the customizer like described above.
Regarding the play icon our developers are checking it. Stay tuned.
Hello, I’ve been checking your site and the play button issue seems caused by another plugin you have installed (at least one) interferring with the player API.
This plugin you have is “youtube embed plus” and the problem is that it’s triggering the API ready state before the theme’s player, so the play button breaks.With this theme you don’t need other youtube plugins.
To embed a YouTube video in a cool responsive size, you can simply link to a youtube video (for example write VIDEO and link the word VIDEO to the youtube URL).
In frontend, the youtube link will automatically be converted in a responsive video.So I think the plugn causing the issue can be deactived.
To embed twitch in the content of a page, you can put the twitch URL in backend and hit ENTER, at this point the player should appear and you can publish already.
Please let me know how it goes deactivating that plugin. You can then also disable the autoplay if not needed.
i’m stupid, its ok for all my question.
i’m waiting a respons for my provider for allow your website.
Really thank for your prompt response !
No don’t worry normal routine, if you need anything else we are here!
This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by
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