Forum Replies Created
1) Im using the Search & Filter Plugin now. You cann see it here
Here I can filter between the different eventtype taxonomys. The problem is that the function “hide old events” is not working anymore (see here:
4) Oh your right this is coming from another Plugin
in reply to: [Support Extended] Some general questionsHello and thanks for you reply.
1 and 2)
You can sort the eventtype in 4 categories:
– eventcategorie
– date
– location
– speakerI want to give the visitor the possibility to filter between these 4 terms to find the desired event.
Right now there is the halfway-solution with the map which could work but here I just see ALL eventtypes which are not seperated in these 4 categorie terms. Therefore I need the searchbar in the middle of the startpage ( with a realtime taxonomy search for these 4 categories. (A on TOP Map would be stunning but not nessesary.
I know this feature is not possible right now, but a customization would be also possible here.
Fact is, that I need a general solution to make it easy for the customer to find an event in his hometown or in a specific timeperiod, or from his favourite speaker or in his desired categorie where he want to develop his skills or personality.
3) As you cann see here:, the related events have the publish date and not the happening date, which is confusing for the visitor.
4) Sounds awesome to have this in january 🙂
Kind regards,
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by
in reply to: [Support Extended] Some general questionsOriginal:
in reply to: New Versions and UpdatesImage on Website:
in reply to: New Versions and Updatesjust one thing..The autozoom on the short headers Images are way to much. That makes it very difficult for me to show an specific sector.
See the image attached
This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by
in reply to: New Versions and Updatesreally cool thank you <3
in reply to: New Versions and Updatesin reply to: New Versions and Updatesok, is it meanwhile possible to set the eventtype header imagesize to short, like I can do at normal pages?
Just till I can set a image, cause its not good if users always see big black image all the time 🙂
Thanks 🙂
in reply to: New Versions and Updatesok 🙂
in reply to: T2G Archives List Widget is showing old eventsThanks for your fast reply. Ok thanks I will test these plugins first.
How much would the custom pluing cost me?
Hello there was a new update at the end of august but the change that I can upload a background image at the eventtype pages is still not possible.
in reply to: New Versions and Updatesok breaking words are fine. Can you give me a code where its breaking at the CORRECT points?`
If not please give me a code where its sizing down long words…small size is better than no reading because the font is outiside of the content
in reply to: some general and mobil issuesHere two Website blogpages where its working like I want: reply to: some general and mobil issuesIf figured out, if I remove this code again
.qt-pageheader .qt-caption, .qt-herobox {
word-break: break-all;
hyphens: auto;
}it is working exactly like I want (without resizing but thats fine) for all Events but not for the Blogpage (
why is that so??
in reply to: some general and mobil issueshere is an example of exactly what I want. See the second code (Variable Font Size)
in reply to: some general and mobil issuesHello,
i dont really understand what kind of Website you want me to share with you, but is it not simple to say like:
Just be responsive that when the screen is to small, put the word in the next paragraph and dont break the words itself?
Example, instead of breaking all like this:
Hello, my na-
me is Igor.the rule should be like:
Hello, my
name is
Igorand maybe add the rule to resize the font 15% on mobil devices.
in reply to: some general and mobil issuesYes its working. Thanks!
in reply to: T2G Archives List Widget is showing old eventsAwesome Thanks 🙂
in reply to: T2G Archives List Widget is showing old eventsok, I wish you focus, success and no stress till then 🙂
in reply to: New Versions and UpdatesSo this is the last from all off the issues I had!
Very good support so far! Thumps up 🙂
in reply to: some general and mobil issuesvery good! We’re working good together 🙂
in reply to: Use Places as a Categorieok perfect. Thanks
in reply to: T2G Archives List Widget is showing old eventsOh yeah sorry ive been on the places page before. I found it and set the litmit to 999. Now I can see a the Events on the map. Perfekt!
So then the last issue. On the map and on the Event suggestions I can still see outdated Events. I set filter to hide outdated Events but this is just Happening in the “all Events” page here:
Thanks so far for your help!
in reply to: Use Places as a Categoriethere is no sortcode. I made the Location with the places plugin. You only can see the shortcodes on normal pages. Or do I get you wrong?
in reply to: Use Places as a Categorienext Problem is: In the Map ist still showing outdated event
in reply to: Use Places as a CategorieI created the places via the places plugin. There is no code where I could see or change the shortcode. I compaired the event which are working and which are not working. The coordinates length is the same.
So I could just imagine thats its limited, but I did’t changed settings like this in general so could you please have a look at the code? (where can I send you Login Privat)
in reply to: Use Places as a CategorieIst not a solution for me if ist cutting down the word like:
My n
ame i
s StephanYou would agree right? So how can we set up that the font is responsive, so that its just breaking down and the end of a word? In the worst case its possible to sizing down a bit. Lets give it a try cause I can’t leave it like it is now!
Thanks 🙂
in reply to: some general and mobil issues -
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by