Forum Replies Created
Hello smartpicks,
currently there is no option that move only the menu items on the right.
You can move the header to the right and not only the text items with some code customization.Have a good day!
Andrea 🙂-
This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by
in reply to: Right align main menuGlad it helps you fix the issue 🙂
Thanks for you rating!in reply to: Home page slider does not fill page height on mobileHello Metropodia,
currently there is no such feature included with the theme.
I think this is something that could be done by editing the code. Can you manage the source code? If so I can provide you a code snippet that could work for you 🙂Best,
This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by
in reply to: Mobile menu additional textHello! Sorry for the delay, please add this CSS, it should fix the problem.
It was a nasty bug to fix as was involving only some browser versions, and wasn’t happening on the development environment.Wit this it seems to work fine (you can remove the previous code as is contained here).
.qt-material-slider .slides, .qt-material-slider, .qt-material-slider .slides > li, .qt-material-slider .slides > li .qt-slider-caption, .qt-material-slider .slides > li .qt-part-archive-item .qt-part-archive-item-header {height: 100vh !important; height: calc(100vh - 70px) !important; min-height: 550px;}
in reply to: Home page slider does not fill page height on mobileHello!
We didn’t forget of you 🙂
Our developers are still checking the issue (our offices were closed due to national holidays) and we will back to you as soon as possible with a fix so you can use the provided slider instead of yours 😉I’ll keep you posted.
in reply to: Home page slider does not fill page height on mobileHello Kasia,
we have disabled Frontend editing on purpose on our theme because, as said on the previous reply, it doesn’t support our custom shortcodes included with the theme.
The screenshot you see on the manual is a misprint.
Could I help you building your pages on the backend editor?
Just let me know 🙂
in reply to: Frontend developmentHi!
You can try please adding this css?.qt-material-slider .slides, .qt-material-slider, .qt-material-slider .slides > li, .qt-material-slider .slides > li .qt-slider-caption {height: 100vh !important;}
in reply to: Home page slider does not fill page height on mobileGlad to hear it! 🙂
If you have any other questions I would be happy to help you.Best,
in reply to: videos won't play in mobileHello!
You can remove the sidebar but this requires a bit of coding.Normally this is a customization that doesn’t fit in theme support but I’ll do my best to guide you to the solution. You’ll have to put a bit of effort in following the steps below:
This theme has 3 templates for posts: default, video and tutorial.
First, on your post you have to choose the video post template instead of the tutorial one. Check this manual page for further details:
The template we are going to edit is called template-video.php
In order to remove the sidebar, you have to:
– change l8 to l12 at line 43– delete from line 115 to 119
<div class="qt-sidebar col s12 m12 l3"> <?php get_template_part( 'phpincludes/sidebar'); ?> </div>
Hope this can help you,
Peterin reply to: full-width articleRefund given 😉
Have a good day!
in reply to: Stylesheet is missing.Hello!
Could you please link me your website url?Considering that we can’t provide support on third-party plugins such as WPforms, I think that you should embed the form on a page first.
Then you can add that link on the left call action or the right one:
1. For editing the left call to action just go to Appearnce->Customize->Header. Scroll down and you can find on the bottom part of the sidebar the “Call to Action Link” field. Paste your form url and you should ready to go.
2. Custom link on right CTA.
Once you have a link or a shortcode, go to Apperance->Customize->Ads Manager->Menu bar.
Here you can add HTML code. For your purpose you can add this:
[vc_btn title="BUY NOW" style="custom" custom_background="#01dfba" custom_text="#ffffff" size="lg" align="center" link="url:"]
You can customize the link by editing the link parameter.
Hope this helps.
in reply to: Call to action link to contact us formHello Kasia and thanks for reaching us.
Frontend editing is disabled by purpose as it doesn’t support the custom components added by our theme.By the way, if you need some help editing your pages feel free to ask me.
in reply to: Frontend developmentHello!
You can ask a refund here
Then you would be able to purchase the WordPress version.If you have any other doubts don’t hesitate to contact me.
in reply to: Stylesheet is missing.Currently the autoplay video feature works only on desktop. It’s an already known issue that blocks video from starting automatically on mobile devices (It seems due to security/privacy and bandwidth saving reasons).
Quite strange that not start a video after the play button is clicked.
Could you please link me your website url?Thanks!
in reply to: videos won't play in mobileYou are welcome!
PS: as described in the link I’ve mentioned, the issue does not come from our theme but from WordPress core 🙂
in reply to: No videos will show, only featured imagesHello!
If you send me a link of your website I will check the issue for you.Said this, I guess that instead of using the imported demo contents, try to add a new post.
I think your issue refers to this case:
Keep me posted on this
in reply to: No videos will show, only featured imagesYou can’t use an HTML product as a WordPress theme.
You bought the wrong version for your purpose.You can find the right version of the product for WordPress installation here:
Have a good day!
in reply to: Stylesheet is missing.Hello!
I’m not sure if I totally understand your request but I think you can try to go to your backend, then Appearance -> customie -> video settings and turn on the auto video post detect feature.
This would help you.
Keep me posted!
Peterin reply to: No videos will show, only featured imagesHello,
I assume you are the one which wrote on the Themeforest comments section.
For future requests, you have to be more specific, link your website and include a screenshot. Only with these things our duty is made easier.

You can remove the tab related but you will need to edit some source code.
Here’s the walkthrough:
– If you have not already done, install the provided child theme ( This will guarantee that your customizations will be saved in case of update theme.

– go to the main theme folder on your FTP or localhost to this path:
wp-content -> themes -> vlogger -> phpincludes
Here you will find a part-archive-item-card-interactive.php file.
– Copy phpincludes folder including only part-archive-item-card-interactive.php to the child theme folder:
wp-content -> themes -> lifecoach-child
– go to line 61 and delete it.

Save the file and refresh your website reply to: Delete menu itemHello!
The HTML version of Vlogger is a ready to go theme: just unzip the downloaded file and open index.html.
The “Stylesheet is missing” issue is typically a WordPress Error.
Are you trying to upload the HTML theme to your WordPress installation?Best,
in reply to: Stylesheet is missing.Ottimo! Se hai bisogno di altro supporto non esitare a contattarmi 😉
Buona giornata!in reply to: Video Play & other issueCiao Giada,
ho appena controllato il tuo sito con Chrome su Mac e tutto funziona alla perfezione: autoplay liscio senza che la pagina faccia automaticamente scroll.
Un primo suggerimento è quello di svuotare la cache e riprovare. Dopodichè ti consiglierei di testare anche su altri pc/browser per vedere se il problema pesiste 😉Per quanto riguarda la parte del widget related, ti do una dritta ma devi modificare del codice.
Partendo dal presupposto che tu stia utilizzando il child theme, devi:
– andare in wp-content/themes/vlogger/
– copiare il file template-tutorial.php
– copia il file con lo stesso path all’interno del tuo child theme (wp-content/themes/vlogger-child)
– incollare il file template-tutorial.php
– aggiungere alla linea 194 il codice qui sotto<!-- ======================= RELATED SECTION ======================= --> <?php get_template_part ('phpincludes/part-related' ); ?> <!-- ======================= RELATED SECTION END ======================= -->
– Salva e dovresti essere ok.
Spero di esserti stato utile!
This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by
in reply to: Video Play & other issueHello, I’m Igor, developer from Themes2Go.
First of all, thanks for your kind notification, we are always looking to improve our products, and every user feedback is very important.Secondly, I’m glad to inform you that the issue has been identified and fixed.
A theme update will be available within a few hours.Regards
Igorin reply to: VideoHello!
We are currently investigating about the issue.
Meanwhile you can use the video player shortcode that allows to add youtube and vimeo videos easily.I’ll keep you posted asap!
in reply to: VideoCiao Giada!
Ho controllato il sito e di seguito ti rispondo per punti:
1-2: ho notato dal sorgente della pagina che hai installato plugin di terzi parti. Con molta probabilità uno di questi va in conflitto con i javascript del tema, per questo ti consiglio di disattivare tutti i plugin che non sono inclusi nel tema e riprovare. Il 99% delle volte risolvi così.3. Questo è un problema noto che purtroppo non dipende da noi in quanto YouTube ha cambiato le policy di embedding dei propri video e forza la comparsa dei video correlati. Inizialmente il nostro tema li nascondeva tramite un parametro che da fine 2018 è stato deprecato. Se controlli anche sulle nostre demo abbiamo lo stesso problema. Un piccolo compromesso potrebbe essere quello di caricare i video su vimeo oppure direttamente in formato mp4.
4. In verità il tuo widget è già presente all’interno delle tue pagine video con template standard, l’unico problema è che hai impostato il colore dei titoli bianchi su sfondo bianco.
Hai due possibilità : cambi il colore dei titoli, oppure inserisci un css custom in Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS.
Prova questo:
.qt-content-primary h2, .qt-content-primary h3 { color: #000; }
Spero di esserti stato d’aiuto, nel caso non fosse così rispondimi pure qui sotto.
A presto!
in reply to: Video Play & other issueHello dadyss,
I’m not sure to understand your request.
The two plugins I mentioned enable SVG capability to WordPress and should work likewise other standard image formats.Could you please provide more details and maybe some screenshot?
This would be very helpful to me!Thanks!
in reply to: SVG formatHello!
Regarding the SVG images I have to be clear: SVG files contain code in the XML markup language which is similar to HTML. Your browser or SVG editing software parses the XML markup language to display the output on the screen.However, this opens up your website to possible XML vulnerabilities. It can be used to gain unauthorized access to user data, trigger brute force attacks, or cross-site scripting attacks.
Said this you can use two plugins to enable svg upload to WordPress
SVG Support –
Safe SVG – the video issue, just one question: could you please try with another video copyright free?
Try with this one:
If this video works, the issue is related with the video you are trying to add to your posts.
Jus try and let me know if the problem persists.
in reply to: SVG format -
This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by