Forum Replies Created
The short parameter affects the height of the header, not its width.
If you’re building your pages with WP Bakery Page Builder you should edit the row you want to stay in grid and uncheck the “Add Container” setting.If you are not using WP Bakery Page Builder you can consider switching page template to Page Full Width Boxed
Let me know if these hints work for you.
Bestin reply to: Header sizeHello!
I’m not sure if I totally understood your request.
Could you please be more precise?Thanks
in reply to: Header sizeHello Kendall and thanks for reaching us.
Your goal is quite easy to implement and you only have to add some custom CSS code.1. Go to your backend and then Apperance -> Customize -> Additional CSS
2. Paste this code
.qt-menubar ul.qt-desktopmenu>li:not(.qt-menubuttons):hover, .qt-menubar ul.qt-desktopmenu>li:not(.qt-menubuttons)>a:hover {background: transparent !important;} .qt-menubar ul.qt-desktopmenu>li:not(.qt-menubuttons):hover, .qt-menubar ul.qt-desktopmenu>li:not(.qt-menubuttons)>a:hover {color: #5ca6bf;}
3. Click the blue button Publish.
This should work for you.
Keep me posted,Andrea
in reply to: Changing header menu stylingHello ben_fm and thanks for reaching us.
In order to fix your issue just install the latest version of the theme from your Themeforest profile. Here’s the link:,
Andreain reply to: Error on required plugins installationHello!
I’ve just test it out on my local installation and all is working fine.
After inspecting your source code I see you could have installed some third party plugins that interfere with the theme code.Try deactivating all third party plugins and check again. If this does not fix the issue let me know that I will check it for you on your backend.
For this I will make this topic private so you can share your WP credentials here.Keep me posted on this.
Andreain reply to: change featured image on podcast archiveHello!
Could you please send me your website credentials? I’ve just made this topic private so you can share your username and password securely.
I will perform the installation process for you. Which of the demo you like the most?Thanks
- This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by themes2go.
in reply to: Demo Import doesn’t workHello!
Most of the time this kind of errors are related with server settings.
In order to have an idea of what the issue could be, I ask you to install this plugin and send me a screenshot of the results.These are the steps to follow:
Please download the plugin QT Server Check from the following link:
Then go to Plugins, Add new and click Upload.
After the upload, please remember to activate it, in order to add the new function under the Settings menu.
Then go to Settings > QT Server Check
You will see a result screen like the one below:
Please remember that this theme requires at least PHP 7 to run optimally.
If CURL is disabled or your server can’t connect to the repository, you won’t be able to enjoy plugins updates and demo import.
If your server performance test ends with a result above 5 seconds, please make sure your PHP version is at least PHP7.1.
If your PHP version is already 7.1 or above, it means that your hosting performance is not enough to run a professional music website, and you should consider upgrading your hosting package or change your hosting provider.
Last but not least, could you please send me the link of your website?
in reply to: Fatal Error upon Demo InstallHello Kalaamou and thanks for reaching us.
Andrea here from Themes2go Customer Support.
Your issue is quite unusual because we have lots of customers that did translate our theme with success but all of them where hosting their website not on wordpress.comBy the way, We highly recommend translate themes with Poedit following this manual page:, could you please send me some screenshots of the strings you want to translate please?
Andreain reply to: Translate Vlogger in WordPress.comGlad it works! 😉
If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to open another ticket.Best,
Andreain reply to: Changing the menu styleHello nomadicminimalista and thanks for reaching us.
As I can see the issue is caused by a third party plugin (Instagram widget) that mess the footer style. I suggest you contact its developer and ask for a fix.Can you try adding all the default and bundled widget once? This will ensure that the problem is not on the theme code.
in reply to: Mobile Footer not aligned correctlyHi Kendall!
currently there is no such functionality for the menu.
You can add this snippet in your Customizer as the previous I’ve sent you but all the header (included logo) will shift to the right and I think is not a good solution..qt-desktopmenu {float:right}
in reply to: Changing the menu styleHello Paul, Igor here for Themes2Go development department.
A partial import is usually caused by server restricted capabilities.
Even if you sed long enough execution time, if the server is not performing well enough, the time may not be sufficient to import the contents completely.As matter of fact, while trying to access your site, it takes me about 2 minutes of loading and I can’t even see the page, meaning the execution takes too long.
The only solution is to get a good hosting provider, as the one you have actually seems too small to host a professional website.
If you want suggestions about good hosting options, please let us know, we can suggest a couple.
Igorin reply to: Demo did not completely importHello!
In order to edit your menu style you can count on our theme customizer and set colors and typography.You can reach it in Appearance -> Customize.
Menu typography can be styled by editing its relative settings in Appearance -> Customize -> TypographyBy default there is no option to delete the underline style of menu items.
You can change the style by adding some CSS code in Appeareance -> Customize -> Additional CSS. Copy and paste this little CSS snippet:.qt-menubar ul.qt-desktopmenu>li>a:not(.qt-btn-ghost):not(.qt-logo-text)::after { display: none; }
For all other theme customizations, take a look to his manual page:
Hope this helps,
Andreain reply to: Changing the menu styleHello Patricia,
in your previous action, did you replace the entire theme folder + child theme?
This because I ran Wordfence on our online demo and no error came up, so I think there are still some infected files on your website.Wordfence can’t delete wp-admin files, but you can replace them via FTP and no warning should come up again.
Please, keep me posted on this.
If the problem persists, I will make this topic private so you can share your website credentials and I will check it for you.Andrea
in reply to: Malicious filesHello Paul,
as I can see there is an issue when installing demo contents.
On your website there is no page attributes option and for this reason the homepage is not fullwidth. I’ve just try to install on my local server a new WordPress installation and then importing Vlogger DIY demo contents and all went fine.In few hours I’ll discuss your case with our team of developers and I’ll get back to you.
Regarding the images, we do not include the posts images on our demo and as you see on your website, we added a demo plaeholder.
By the way you can get all the thumbnails back by adding a plugin called Video Thumbnails and bulk import all of them. Check it out:
Last but not least, keep in mind for future tickets that this is a public forum where all people can read what’s written. Leaving your credentials public is very dangerous so for this I’ve set the ticket private.
I will get back to you as soon as possible with a fix.
Thanks for your patience,
Andreain reply to: Demo did not completely importHello paulq and thanks for reaching us.
Could you please link your website?
What contents have not been imported?Thanks,
Andreain reply to: Demo did not completely importThis sounds quite weird.
Did you add a valid Google Maps API Keys on Settings -> QT Places?If not, check these 2 links with step by step guide to get it. me posted on this.
Andreain reply to: QT Places – Geocoding not possibleHello jeremy!
If you do not have any issues with Page Builder or in general with the theme, you can discard the message. We will update the plugin on the new theme’s release.On the next days we will roll out a theme update including last version of Page Builder.
For any other details you can take a look to out manuals here: this helps.
Andrein reply to: Plugin Won't UpdateHello!
1) Buy Tickets Title: the theme is fully translatable, including the Buy Tickets title.
I suggest you installing a plugin called Polylang or WPML, find the title you want translate and replace it with your language/string. Consider that all your events will inherit it.2) Colors: This theme is based on a Material Design Framework: this means that a same color is applied to multiple elements, and sometimes is not possible to assign a specific color to a specific elements without changing other parts of the site.
With this in mind, you can customize your website colors going in Appearance -> Customize -> Colors customization
If you need more details, please take a look to our manual:
3) QT Places error: I’ve just answered here: 😉
If you have any other issues don’t hesitate to reply below.
Have a nice day!
Andrea- This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by themes2go.
Quick update: checking your others ticket I’ve visited your website and check other events. For both events found here, fonts are loaded correctly.
Does the problem still persist?
in reply to: Single Event: Countdown does not workHello!
If you have only the street name with no number, you can count on gps data.
Starting from your website footer, I’ve checked the place on Google Maps and obtained latitude and longitude data: 54.373311,10.984406When creating an event, paste them inside the Address to geocode and click the green button Geocode this address.
This should retrieve the right point of your company on the map.
Keep me posted if this work for you!
Andreain reply to: QT Places – Geocoding not possibleHi Susanne,
did you try disabling all the unbundled plugins as asked in previous reply?
I’m pretty sure could be that.Best,
Andreain reply to: Single Event: Countdown does not workHello Patricia and thanks for reaching us.
Andrea here from Themes2go Customer Support and I’ll support you with your request.From what I read, I’m almost sure you’re website has been infected by a malware (file wp-tmp.php is not part of our product, it’s been generated from the malware)
Our theme has been modified by the malware and the antivirus has been triggered.An easy fix could be this:
– download the theme from Themeforest (
– via FTP, upload the updated theme to your server and erase the old one.
– Access to your backend and install Wordfence ( and scan your website looking for malwares and errors. If present, Wordfence will help you with its removal.Hope this helps you.
Keep me posted.Andrea
in reply to: Malicious filesHello!
If you’ve installed the theme with the default procedure (you can check it here:, WP Bakery Page Builder should be already installed and active.
You can check it by going on your backend and then Plugins. Here you have all the active plugins available on your website, including Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer).When editing a page, you will see a blue button on the top left of the page, right before the page structure. If you see it, Page Builder is working.
See the image as reference:
Hope this helps.
In case you need more support on this, don’t hesitate to reply below.Have a nice day!
- This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by themes2go.
in reply to: Visual ComposerHello!
Most of the time, this kind of issue is generated by third-party plugins that create some sort of conflicts with the theme.
Try disabling all the unbundled plugins you’ve installed, clear the cache (if present) and check again.Last, make sure that you’ve compiled the date field correctly.
See the image as reference. me posted on this.
- This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by themes2go.
in reply to: Single Event: Countdown does not workHello!
XML files are included within the theme. Just browse the theme folder via FTP for this
Here you can see demo folders (demo1,demo2, etc).
In order to import dummy content for a specific demo, go inside one demo folder and pick the dummy.xml file.
Now you can import to your WordPress installation by going to your backend and then Tools -> Import.
Before proceeding, consider these things:
- if you are going to install demo 2 (WooCommerce) or 4 (Lms) you need to install the plugins before the importing procedure
- Appearance should be set manually through the customizer
- home need to be set manually
- menu need to be set manually
Hope this helps you. Just keep in mind that we are here to support you with your installation. Just reply here and we’re going to help you.
Andrea- This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by themes2go.
in reply to: Demo Import Just goes to blank screen.Hello nspripper, thanks for checking out these variables.
As nobody else among our customers had a similar issue before, the problem is for sure not related with our theme or plugins.
We have at this point 2 options:
1) We can log in to your wordpress and try to understand what is happening
2)In alternative we can give you the XML of the demo contents
that you can import with the wordpress importer, but you won’t have the widgets and customizer settings from the demo.I made this topic private so you can post a temporary user, password and admin url for your site (to be removed after this procedure), we will log in and try to see what is wrong.
in reply to: Demo Import Just goes to blank screen.Hello nspripper!
This kind of issues is usually related with your server specifications.
First of all make sure your hosting meets the minimum requirements to be installed properly. Here’s the link the them:
You can ask help your hosting provider to understand if your plan is compliant.
Then, I suggest you follow the default installation procedure shown in our video tutorial here:
But I am quite sure it’s related with your server and max execution time.
Keep me posted if you fix the issue.Have a nice day!
Andreain reply to: Demo Import Just goes to blank screen.Hi Terri,
in order to get rid of that string, you should edit the file named content-course.php.
You can find it through this path: themes/lifecoach/learnpress.At line 61, delete
<?php echo $course->get_students_html(); ?>
Save it and now the student number should be gone.
Hope this helps you considering it’s out of the support territory 😉
Andreain reply to: Override CSS codeHello gdingess and thanks for reaching us.
Andrea here from Themes2go Customer Support.The parameter you mentioned above is related with series (or playlist) and not with the post type tutorial.
Your videos that include ?vlogger_series=XXX are part of a series and you can check it in your backend by going to its dedicated section.
If you need to clean the URL, you have to remove the video from the series where it is included.
If you need more details you can check our online manual here:
and here
If you have any other doubt, just reply below and I will help you.
in reply to: ?vlogger link