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Gentile Marisa grazie per il tuo accurato feedback.
Attualmente, l’errore che rilevi non è collegato all’invio del messaggio, in quanto alla riga 230 di tale file viene semplicemente verificata la presenza della mappa.In ogni caso, nel nostro file a tale riga non c’è alcun array, ho appena verificato il codice ed è completamente corretto.
A tale riga dovresti avere questo
if( get_post_meta( get_the_id(), 'qt_contacts_map', true ) !== ''){
se l’errore è “array to string conversion” e non hai modificato questo file in qualche modo, c’è un problema alla base.
Infatti come puoi vedere dalla documentazione del codex, il parametro “true” forza il risultato come stringa:
anche se fosse un array, non darebbe problemi comunque, pertanto il PHP non dovrebbe rispondere in quel modo.
Ho fatto dei test in locale e in remoto con ogni debug acceso, e anche togliendo i dati della mappa, senza però riuscire a riprodurre l’errore che hai avuto tu. Pertanto l’unica spiegazione è che il file sia stato modificato o che il probema sia altrove.
L’invio della mail, in ogni caso, avviene ben prima di tale riga, quindi dovrebbe eventualmente inviare la mail e POI dare l’errore.
Considera che è la prima volta che si verifica questo problema su oltre 7000 installazioni (usiamo questo stesso plugin anche per altri temi che vendiamo sotto un altro brand, e sono propenso a credere che ci sia qualcosa connesso alla specifica installazione di wordpress, al server o comunque altro che non c’entra con il PHP del plugin.
Ti consiglierei come test di provare a mettere una mappa (giusto per) e vedere se ti cambia qualcosa, in quanto l’errore PHP specifico dovrebbe skipparsi completamente, e vedi se così manda la mail.
Se non ti serve la mappa, puoi buttare completamente dalla riga 230 alla riga 237.
Se invece hai modificato il sorgente di questo plugin, ti consiglio di ripartire dall’originale, disinstallando e reinstallando il Contact Form del tema.
Attendo tue news e spero di essere stato d’aiuto.
This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by
in reply to: QT ContactFormHello!
1) You can easily add your social media icons by going to Appearance -> Customize -> Social Networks. Icons will appear on header bar and footer.2) Sidebar can be disabled for single post type pages, for example events: go to Appearance -> Customize -> Sidebar Customization and turn off “Enable events page sidebar”. Then save it by clicking “Publish”
If you have any other questions I would be happy to help you!
Have a good day,Andrea
in reply to: Two questions about top bar and sidebarHi Sean, thanks for your feedback.
The code provided above was tested and working fine 8as we always do before providing a solution) anyway I see you are now completely hiding all of the tabs menu, therefore is not clear to me if you need further help for this specific request, please advise.2) Please be aware that
is not a semantic selector, but a typographical selector, so it defines the typo appearance of this kind of text across the site, and it indeed affects a ton of elements.
If you wanto it to be targeted on a specific type of item, you need, using the inspector, to find the specific CSS selector that defines the element.
So if it is for instance a post card, with the inspector sleect the entire card and target only the .qt-tags for that item.As your description is not specific enough to me, I’m not able to provide an example code that works, but it seems you have quite some programming skills and probably you already got what I’m saying.
let me know if I can help more
thanksGentile Marisa sono Igor di Themes2Go, sviluppatore di questo tema e del plugin in questione.
Grazie mille per gli screenshot, i settings sembrano tutti perfetti.La soluzione proposta dal mio collega Andrea solitamente risolve, ma in questo caso vedo che non è servita: ho testato un invio e noto che l’errore persiste.
Per evitare risposte inappropriate, ho appena ritestato il software e ricontrollato il codice sorgente, tutto risulta corretto, pertanto il problema è legato a questo sito specifico.
procedo ora ad elencare possibili cause e soluzioni:
1) Autenticazione SMTP: il protocollo SSL potrebbe non essere accettato, anche se il test del plugin WP SMTP è positivo, perchè viene usato in modo diverso dal nostro form.
Consiglio di fare una prova con il popolare plugin Contact Form 7, e vedere se quello funziona. Se nemmeno CF7 va bene, il problema è da ricercare altrove.2) Aruba: noto che il sito usa questo provider, notoriamente problematico per quanto riguarda settaggi molto restrittivi che possono bloccare plugin e temi.
Se CF7 funziona e il nostro contact form no, significa che Aruba sta selettivamente consentendo solo applicazioni molto diffuse, e bloccando quelle menu conosciute.
In questo caso, si può usare Contact Form 7 per la pagina contatti, oppure è necessario cambiare hosting e sceglierne uno più professionale (per una gamma prezzi medio bassa noi consigliamo di solito Netsons, che abbiamo usato per 10 anni).3) Altri plugin stanno interferendo con il form contatti, ad esempio plugin di sicurezza. Questo potrebbe far sì che l’invio email NON è bloccato quando si testa SMTP, ma viene bloccato quando si invia la mail da frontend, perchè ritenuto più rischioso.
Un buon test è disattivare temporaneamente ogni plugin che non è richiesto dal tema, e vedere se il problema si risolve.
4) Probemi con il PHP del server. Consiglio anche di settare, per prova, wp_debug su “true” nel file WP_config.php, e installare un plugin chiamato Debug Bar. In questo modo, inviando il form, è possibile visualizzare esattamente l’output di errore prodotto da WordPress, quando si rifiuta di inviare la mail.
Con questo responso potremo aiutarti ulteriormente.Grazie mille per la gentile collaborazione e buona giornata
Igorin reply to: QT ContactFormHi Marisa,
we’ve just checked and the contact form works properly so it seems it should be something related with your form details.On the demo, the contact form is blocked to prevent spam emails.
Could you please provide me a screenshot of your form details and website URL?
I need something like this: in advance,
Andreain reply to: QT ContactFormHello Marisa,
thanks for your feedback. Our developers are checking the issue.
I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.Andrea
in reply to: QT ContactFormHello Jason,
the current version of Plyr video player included in the theme doesn’t support subtitles.Regards,
Andreain reply to: Video Embed CaptionsHello marisa,
thanks for writing in.
First make sure that all the contact details are filled properly.The contact page ( has a built-in form and you can find its settings in Pages -> Contacts (this is the name that comes with demo contents import). Here you will find something like this:
Then, if here all is good there may be two other fix:
1) install a plugin called WP SMTP, and configure it in order to use your email SMTP. Most of the servers now block anonymous emails sent from specific addresses, and if you have a decent server is very possible that this is the case. SMTP authentication will let you send emails.
2) Your email server itself is not allowing to send emails on behalf of third-party applications like GMAIL does, for example, this is all a matter of your own email settings, which I can’t know, anyway, there are usually parameters to allow sending emails from third-party applications. This is an additional security level, as well used by some providers like Gmail but also many private ones, like our servers.
In any case, the issue comes from your server or WordPress security, so these are all the possible info I can provide to help you identify the problem, please do some testing and see what works for you.
If you need more info let me know, anyway please do the tests first.Thanks!
in reply to: QT ContactFormGreat! Going to close this.
Have a good day!Andrea
in reply to: Videopress Embeds Not WorkingHello Jason and thanks for your kind words.
Here a quick workaround to make your VideoPress videos working with Plyr.In your post, when embedding a video, add these structure:
[video width="1280" height="720" mp4="VIDEOURL"][/video]
I’ve given it a try with the URL you send me and it works nicely.
Here’ the code I used:
[video width="1280" height="720" mp4=""][/video]
Keep me posted on that,
Andreain reply to: Videopress Embeds Not WorkingNice!
Keep me posted on reply to: backend editor issueHello!
I’m going to close this ticket.Have a good day,
Andreain reply to: New Versions and UpdatesHello,
this is a quite uncommon issue and it doesn’t come from the theme but I think it comes from third-party plugins you’ve installed.If possible, try to deactivate all the unnecessary plugins, leaving only the bundled ones and check again your backend editor.
in reply to: backend editor issueHi Sean and thanks for contacting us, please add this CSS in appearance > Customize > CSS
#qt-tutorialtabs li:nth-child(2), #qt-tutorialtabs li:nth-child(3){display: none !important;} @media only screen and (min-width: 1201px){ body:not(.mobile) .qt-parentcontainer.qt-scrolled .qt-pageheader.qt-pageheader-tutorial .qt-contents-layer {padding-top: 40px; }}
The first is about the tabs, you can see that you can select differnt tabs by number. The second rule is about the top space which shouldn’t appear cutted as you had, but it may be some setting conflict, anyway this line of code will fix easily.
Looking forward for your feedback
thanks and have a nice day!
IgorNice, I’m going to close this.
All the best,Andrea
in reply to: clickable shortcode into a imageHi, i’m sorry but there are no similar things actually, or at least I didn’t find any. THis sounds more like something that would require a specific plugin made ad hoc for your site as it’s pretty unusual.
By the way, if you need to display woocommerce products, there are shortcodes to create grids of products already in page reply to: clickable shortcode into a imageThanks for your feedback!
If you want to support our work, it would really mean a lot to us if you could please leave a rating here:
I may take only 10 seconds, but for us is very important 😀
Thanks and have a nice day!Andrea
in reply to: Post Grid configuration question (again)Hello triumph169,
this is a well-known issue but it’s not theme’s stuff. Here’ the relative topic regarding this argument: you want to disable the shadow, it’s just a line of CSS: Go to Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS and paste this:
.qt-titlesbox {text-shadow: none;}
Save and this should work nice for you.
All the best,Andrea
in reply to: header text diffferent follow upHello there!
I’m very sorry, but there is no such option in the theme and you are trying to do a customization that is not supported by native functionalities. This is out of support territory, I’m sorry.
We recommend hiring a developer to do such kind of changes, on Codeable or Envato Studio. the best,
Andreain reply to: Default page templateHello Sean!
Let me ask you two things:1) What’s the video URL you are adding in the page?
2) Is this video public?Thanks
in reply to: Vimeo Videos Not WorkingHi
1) You can’t replace the theme’s player with default player, the theme requires it and is all integrated2) This depends on YouTube, related videos can’t be removed as per new Youtube policy I’m very sorry, but here is no such option in the theme and you are trying to do a customization that is not supported by native fulctionalities. This is out of support territory, I’m sorry. We recommend hiring a developer to do such kind of changes, on Codeable or Envato Studio. Please check
4) Video Format has a function to remove the video from the content and put it in the player. To perfurm such function it needs to reelaborate the content and it uses a different function in the template file.
Some plugins as yours are hooked to the original function, so your plugin output may not appear.There are different solutions:
1) In the customizer disable the function to hide the video from the post content.
2) If your plugin has a shortcode, use the shortcode inside of the post, instead of alternative options such as “display on top of the post content”, because that option is not compatible with hiding the video from the post.
3) Use standard post format.Regards
in reply to: replace video player with youtubes standard playerHello ssmith162 and thanks for writing in.
Go to Appearance -> Customize -> Video settings and turn on “Add video header for video post formats”This should fix the issue. By the way, I suggest you not to edit existing contents but creating new ones: This would prevent these kinds of issues.
Keep me posted on this,
Andreain reply to: Vimeo Videos Not WorkingHello Stanislav,
I’m not sure how things are different on but I’ve done a little search for you and I found this:
You can download the theme directly from Themeforest here and then upload it on your WordPress installation:
Further details regarding theme update on our manual:
Keep me posted on this,
Andreain reply to: Post Grid configuration question (again)Hello!
This is what I see from mobile, tablet and desktop version:Did you check your website in incognito mode yet?
It could be something related with the admin bar when logged in mobile resolution.
You can try to disable it by going to Users > Your Profile > Toolbar.
Uncheck the setting “Show Toolbar when viewing site” and save.This kind of issues comes when going into deep customizations of the original behavior of the theme
Hope this can help you.
in reply to: header menuHello there!
Honestly, it seems there is some misconfiguration on your page.Did you already import demo contents?
If so, check the homepage bundled with the demo containing the fullscreen slider and see if it works.Otherwise, I would ask you to create a new page and add only the fullscreen shortcode on it and check if it works.
The Fullscreen Slideshow is meant to work nicely out of the box without any design change.
You can also see on this video:
Keep me posted on that,
in reply to: Slider on homepageHello,
I’ve checked and fixed again the menu issues. Now all seems work nicely.
I’ve also fixed the gaps in the big header: it wasn’t a theme bug but a Row misconfiguration. You have to set to 0px paddings and margins of the inner column.As all the issues are fixed, I am going to close this ticket.
Waiting for your response.All the best.
in reply to: header menuHello again!
I think I found a fix to your issue.I’ve added some extra CSS to remove the shadow and to manage the secondary header you never mentioned.
This is the final code:
.qt-menubar ul.qt-desktopmenu { padding: 0px 70px;} @media only screen and (min-width: 1201px) { .qt-parentcontainer { padding-top:70px } } @media only screen and (max-width: 1200px) {.qt-menubar ul.qt-desktopmenu { padding: 0px 0px;} } @media only screen and (min-width: 1201px) { .qt-parentcontainer .qt-menubar { position: unset; margin-top: -70px; } .qt-parentcontainer.qt-menu-secondary-enabled {padding-top:70px} } .qt-main { box-shadow: none;} .z-depth-1, nav, .side-nav { box-shadow: none; }
Then, in customizer I’ve disabled the Transparend Header.
Final step, on your homepage, I’ve set to default the “Transparent Header” setting.
Now your header should be fixed. If so, I am going to close this ticket.
Keep me posted on this please.Have a good day,
Andreain reply to: header menuHello Abdallah,
when editing the row containing the homepage slider with WP Bakery Page Builder, uncheck the “Add container” setting as shown in the image below.I also suggest you have a look at our video tutorials, from installing to customizing the theme here:
Have a good day!
This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by
in reply to: Slider on homepageHello!
Assuming you are using the child theme, you should edit footerwidgets.php located in themes/lifecoach/phpincludes folder.At line 73, delete
.This will help you! 😉
All the best,Andrea
in reply to: [Mobil] Instagram Feed in Footer are not responsiveHello ag_2018,
from the file you sent me I can’t check anything because it’s empty and when importing I can’t see your website.At this point just send me your website URL and credentials to check in your backend.
I’m going to set this ticket as private so only you and I can see this page.Last but not least, tell me if I am right: you want a solid background header in all pages, not tall like demo that doesn’t stay sticky with the scroll. Without any shadow. Is it right?
Andreain reply to: header menu -
This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by