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You are never going to get sites to look the same in different browsers or operating systems, they are using different technologies, etc.Browsers inconsistencies is a thing front-end developers have to live with (sadly). It’s great if they all look the same but that’s not going to happen.
This is a long date issue, but it’s not a theme issue, It’s how browsers interpret fonts. I will talk with developers but I’m sure there will not be a fix for this.
All the best,
Andreain reply to: header text different on different browsers1) “transparent header” remove the header background. If you set it to default, and global settings on customizer aren’t changed, the background will have a solid background
2) Quite strange, I must check on your installation
3) Removing a shadow is CSS stuff so I think there is no problem to deal with it.
But before proceeding, please send me a copy of your WP installation with All In One Migration as asked in previous replies.
in reply to: header menuProbably you have some settings in your page that overrides the global ones.
To fix it, just have a look to this manual page: reply to: header menuYou can find all the details on our manual:
in reply to: header menuHello!
The CSS snippets I’ve provided you works on a fresh installation so it should be something related to your website.
As the issue seems to not be fixed, I ask you to send me a copy of your WordPress installation with All In One Migration ( installed and activated, just export in a file your installation and upload on some cloud service like Dropbox. After that, share here the URL of the file.
This could help me to find a solution.
Keep me posted on this.Andrea
in reply to: header menuHello Brian and thanks for your kind collaboration and patience.
We just published an update of Vlogger.
After analyzing the problem and comparing the issue with other major websites, we decided to solve it in the only possible way to not disrupt the design: using an ellipsis to size the title when it’s so long that it goes on 2 lines.
In this way it won’t overlap the screen.Actually, this case never happened to other websites, because such long titles are unusual, and that’s why we never noticed the issue. It seems by the way that all the major websites uses this technique to deal with long titles in archives and slideshows, so it resulted the best solution.
It is not possible to hide the play button because it would require a selective customization of each slide depending on the title, but as the design is responsive, is impossible to know when to remove the play, and the suggested solution was impossible.You can update the theme as explained in the manual to receive the fixes.
Also Page Builder is now up to date.Please let me know if we can close this ticket.
Igorin reply to: Hide Play Button on Feature SliderHello Brian and thanks for writing in.
Your issue is quite strange and I can’t replicate it on my local installations.
Could you please send me your website URL to check it?The featured slider should not be affected by the choice of the standard or tutorial template.
So again, if you kindly send me your website URL I will verify and try to help you.
in reply to: Hide Play Button on Feature SliderThat’s the final code you have to add:
.qt-menubar ul.qt-desktopmenu { padding: 0px 70px;} @media only screen and (min-width: 1201px) { .qt-parentcontainer { padding-top:70px } } @media only screen and (max-width: 1200px) {.qt-menubar ul.qt-desktopmenu { padding: 0px 0px;} } @media only screen and (min-width: 1201px) { .qt-parentcontainer .qt-menubar { position: unset; margin-top: -70px; } }
in reply to: header menuFeatured image will always cover its container in all headers.
Just crop your image in a wide proportion and then it should be reply to: New Versions and UpdatesYou MUST use it with other 3 codes otherwise the menu will turn it back to the original height.
in reply to: header menuHello!
After a talk with our developer, he suggests you this without handling js or something heavier in terms of coding.In the customizer paste this after the CSS snippets I’ve provided you in previous replies:
@media only screen and (min-width: 1201px) { .qt-parentcontainer .qt-menubar { position: unset; margin-top: -70px; } }
Hope this could be a final fix for your issues 🙂
All the best,Andrea
in reply to: header menuHello,
about hidden fields, that’s a theme issue, and we are providing the solution.Many other design issues of this plugin happens because is really poorly programmed, and its CSS is really rookie style.
I’m also providing tons of fixes for that.Also, their HTML output is totally rubbish and not valid, but I managed to fix stuff too.
This plugin basically works only “alone”.About stuff that must be visible or hidden as points 3 and 4, that’s 3rd party plugin customizations, and can’t provide any help for that (it would be like you ask to your car mechanic to fix your television, sorry not our job).
About URL not passing values, that is totally not our stuff, this is server side software of your plugin.
We usually do not provide support for third party plugin, in this case I wanted to fix the missing field and found myself in a deep swamp of a terribly developed plugin, so I felt in duty to provide some CSS.
For the rest you will have to manage it yourself regarding this plugin and its functionalities, as is not our job and is not theme support.
Please add this CSS to the style.css of the child theme, or in the customizer:
remember to replace the quotes you copy with your keyboar’s ones (“).wpuf-form select {display: block} .wpuf-form .wpuf-el, .wpuf-submit {list-style: none;padding-left: 0} .wpuf-dashboard-navigation ul li { display: list-item; float: none; list-style: none; } .wpuf-dashboard-navigation ul li a { display: block; } .wpuf-dashboard-navigation { height: auto; } .wpuf-dashboard-container .wpuf-update-profile-form .form-row {display: block;width: 100%} .wpuf-dashboard-container .wpuf-update-profile-form .form-row-last { float: right; width: 43%;} .wpuf-dashboard-container .wpuf-update-profile-form .form-row-first { float: left; width: 47%;} ul.wpuf-form .wpuf-el .clear {display: block; clear:both;width: 100%;content: " ";background: red;height:10px;} ul.wpuf-form li {padding: 20px 0;margin: 0;} .wpuf-submit button {padding: 8px 20px;} .wpuf-form-add.wpuf-style ul.wpuf-form .wpuf-submit input[type=submit] {line-height: 1;}
in reply to: Isuues with Theme CssHello Stephan,
you can choose among these workarounds:1) On the customizer -> Header you can set the short header for all your pages.
2) In your child theme, place this custom file our developer edited for you. Update the theme. Good news! We’ve just included the custom background option for event types just now 😉
Hope this can help you!
This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by
in reply to: New Versions and UpdatesHello Stephan,
could you please provide me an eventtype page from your website?Thanks
in reply to: New Versions and UpdatesThanks, I was able to login and I went to the page to submit a video, and also /wetest, but I can’t find fields with problems. Could you kindly point me to a page where the fields needs adjustments? I can give you the CSS to make the theme compatible with your plugin, but I need to see exactly where the issue happens.
Thanksin reply to: Isuues with Theme CssHello, I made this topic private so only you and us can see it. Can you kindly give us the credentials to access the site ? I also saw the video and removed its url so credentials won’t be related to any site. We only need credentials to view the site, not admin login.
This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by
in reply to: Isuues with Theme CssHi!
Your first request was regarding getting the menu smaller and the CSS snippets I’ve provided you do the job.
The header will always be sticky because it’s deeply integrated (with the help of javascript) into the theme and currently there is no option to change it.Hope this can help you,
Andreain reply to: header menuI don’t send you the last media query
@media only screen and (min-width: 1201px){ .qt-parentcontainer .qt-menubar {position: absolute !important; top: 0 !important;}}
Just use:
.qt-menubar ul.qt-desktopmenu { padding: 0px 70px;} @media only screen and (min-width: 1201px) { .qt-parentcontainer { padding-top:70px } } @media only screen and (max-width: 1200px) {.qt-menubar ul.qt-desktopmenu { padding: 0px 0px;} }
in reply to: header menuHello,
you should enter only this:
.qt-menubar ul.qt-desktopmenu { padding: 0px 70px;} @media only screen and (min-width: 1201px) { .qt-parentcontainer { padding-top:70px } } @media only screen and (max-width: 1200px) {.qt-menubar ul.qt-desktopmenu { padding: 0px 0px;} }
in reply to: header menuHello!
I can’t replicate your issue on my installation. After adding the CSS snippet I’ve provided to you inside the Custom CSS panel, the theme works nice.See the images below:
If you can, try installing from scratch the theme and add only the last two CSS snippets. It will work.
Have a good day,
Andreain reply to: header menuHello!
Yes you need to wrap it because $ in wordpress doesn’t exists.
This is how:(function($) { $(document).ready(function () { $(“nav a”).click(function () { $(“nav a”).removeClass(“active”); $(this).addClass(“active”); }); }); })(jQuery);
like this you should have no problems.
Otherwise, you can place it in the file footer.php, right before the closing body tag.
Igorin reply to: jqueryHello!
Ads manager is meant to work on all the pages in the same way without exceptions.
Every ad on the page has a CSS class that you can hide with the help of Wp Bakery Page Builder.
I paste here back the procedure I’ve suggested to you on another ticket:- Go to WP Bakery Page Builder -> Role Manager -> Post types, select Custom from the dropdown and then enable the checkbox on posts.
- Now on your page (built with WP Bakery Page Builder), click on Backend Editor on the top left button and then click on the wheel icon.
Paste this CSS snippet
.vlogger_ads_before_footer {display:none};
This will hide the ad only on the homepage.
Every ad placeholder has its custom CSS class, so this will work only for Footer ads.Hope this can help you.
Have a good day!Andrea
in reply to: ads displaying wrongHello Andrew,
trying to add not public videos from Vimeo will not work. Did you try switching to public one of your videos and then embed it on a post? Does it work?This theme is meant to work only with Plyr so, as stated in the previous reply, you’ll find lots of issues.
Just a question: is there any particular reason you want to use JWPlayer instead of Plyr?
And then, why do you need adding extra */ or something in Plyr code?
For this, I’ll talk with developers and see if we can help you.All the best,
Andreain reply to: JWPlayer – HelpHello,
as stated in previous replies:…editing header height will cause a cascade of issues
And this is the case.
If you send me some screenshots I would see if the issue could be fixed easily.
That’s it.Andrea
in reply to: header menuGlad to hear it! 🙂
Going to close this ticket.Have a good one!
Andreain reply to: few questions about post pageHello disruptivelive,
thanks for writing in. Andrea here from Themes2go Customer Support.
Due to the deep integration on our theme of another video player called Plyr, I suppose you will experience lots of issues when you try to include JWPlayer.Could you please provide me some screenshots of the issue or just your website URL?
Keep me postes on this,
This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
in reply to: JWPlayer – HelpHello!
Here’s a CSS workaround that works for single posts:- Go to WP Bakery Page Builder -> Role Manager -> Post types, select Custom from the dropdown and then enable the checkbox on posts.
- Now on your posts you don’t want the sidebar, click on Backend Editor on the top left button and then click on the wheel icon.
Paste this CSS snippet “.qt-sidebar {display:none;}”
Now the sidebar for that specific post will be hidden.
Be aware that the main content will fit 2/3 of the container and it will not be stretched.Hope this can help you.
Have a good day,Andrea
This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
in reply to: few questions about post pageHello jerzyroginski,
you installed the WordPress importer plugin, that contains functions that are already incorporated with the one-click installer and that causes the issue.Disable WordPress importer first and then retry, please.
In order to set the homepage with the guy running, first install the main demo.
Then go to Settings -> Reading and set “Alternative Homepage” as Homepage.
Save it and you should be ready to go.Have a good day,
Andreain reply to: demo import error -
This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by