Forum Replies Created
Hi there!
In order to hide post author and date on post header, I suggest you going on your backend and then Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS and paste this CSS snippet:h4.qt-subtitle {display:none;} .qt-scroll-indicator {display: block; margin-top: 1em;}
This should work for you.
All the best,Andrea
in reply to: Remove post author and date on post headerGlad you solved thanks for the update, guess was some resource limit probably?
By the way I’m closing the topic and thanks for your feedback.
PS. please next time, when answering about a same topic, post your new message under the original thread, instead of opening a new one.I have already merged your messages under this one now ๐
Thanks and have a nice weekend!
Igorin reply to: Demo Content [hosting solved]Hello Sunset6,
I’ve just tested on my installation and it seems working fine without any issue.
Could you please send me your website URL so I can check on your installation?Thanks,
In order to fix the website name under the hamburger icon, I suggest you create a png of your logo so it will fit nicely on mobile. You can also decrease the font-size of the title but I think it will get too small.On team members social media section: currently, there is no such feature but we can add Instagram and Paypal in the next update. We’ll roll it out within 2 weeks.
I will notify you once ready.Have a good day,
Andreain reply to: Multiple IssuesHello, actually your site is unreachable, if you could please fix it I can check which parameter needs fixing. It’s probably some row margin or pagging.
Looking forward for your feedback
IgorGood morning zerecero and thanks for writing us.
The order can be edited changing the Page Order attribute: you still have any problem please let me know, thanks!
in reply to: Change video orderHello Susanne,
first thanks for your kind words and as I read, there are some parts of our manual that could not be clear. Could you please help me on this? How could we improve it?We create our themes following strict developing standards and this allows us to have reliable and maintainable products. For this, we suggest editing text strings like “Testimonials” via a software called Poedit so our customers would not edit the PHP code in few clicks. It’s not a hard procedure. Believe me! ๐
Here’s the page manual:
And here there is a related topic on this forum:
By the way, I also explain to you how to change the word “Testimonial” into something else.
Before proceeding, make sure you are using the Lifecoach Child Theme.
Then, using your FTP client go to wp-content/themes/lifecoach/ttgcore-setup/shortcodes/ and make a copy of the file named short-slideshow-testimonial.php.In your child theme, you have to build the same folder structure of the main theme.
At the end, you will need this path: wp-content/themes/lifecoach-child/ttgcore-setup-shortcodes. Here, move the copy of short-slideshow-testimonial.php.Edit the file on line 71:
<h3 class="qt-bottom-textdeco"><span><?php echo esc_attr__("Testimonial", "lifecoach"); ?></span></h3>
Change the word “Testimonial” to whatever you need. Save it and the text string should be changed in the testimonial slideshow.
If you need more support on this just reply me back.
Andreain reply to: Replace Just one Word in TestimonialsHi there!
1) I’ve just checked on our demos and I didn’t see any issue.
Could you please me provide a screenshot of the issue on your website?2) Visual Composer blocks video backgrounds for mobile devices. A quick fix could be adding an image as row background so on a desktop will load the video and on mobile the image you set.
You should edit the row containing the video and then in “Design Options” Tab, choosing a background image. Check the image below: you wanna hide the entire row you need to edit it, select “Responsive Option” and then check “hide” on the mobile row.
Have a good day,
Andreain reply to: Multiple IssuesHi Kiran,
in order to change all the text strings in the theme without editing the code, you have to just simply create a translation file with Poedit and follow the guide here.
Have a good day,
Andreain reply to: How To change Add to BasketHello Terrence,
you can add a default image for header background by going on your backend and then navigate to Appearance -> Customize -> Header.More details here on our manual’s page: a good day,
Andreain reply to: Feature ImagesHello Terrence,
we are already working on this but it will take some days to fix it.
In order to get your courses work again, I suggest you rollback to LearnPress 2.x for a while until the new theme’s update will be ready.If you want more details about this, there is an open topic on our forum here:
If you need more support I would be happy to help you.
All the best,Andrea
in reply to: LearnPress templatesHello and tanks for reaching us out at helpdesk ๐
First of all please let me say 3 important things:1) In order to achieve what you want to do, this requires a lot of custom coding
2) Custom coding as you probably already know, as general product support guideline, doesn’t cover code customizations, so I can only point you to the right direction, but you’ll have a lot of work yourself to do what you need.
3) This change will have MASSIVE ripercussions across the entire site because this theme is full of custom queries in every series shortcode, template, plugins, widgets and more. So your change will result in a CASCADE of issues that you’ll have to handle yourself, one by one, searching the right template/plugin/shortcode/widget where the code needs to be changed, because we can’t provide support for such a massive amount of changes that this customization will require.That said, you need to edit the file of this screenshot, line 120 will only make your custom type in the serie settings, nothing more.
You’ll need to manage yourself all the HUNDREDS of templates and plugin files that needs changing because of this change, because there is no shortcut for this.
Please let me warn you: this process may really take dozens of hours of work.
Also, we will not be able to provide anymore support on this delicate and deep customization as is totally out of the support policy, I’m sorry.As final thought, I’d strongly recommend to use the child theme as much as possible for your custom files.
Of course all the files included with “include” from functions.php can’t be overridden from child themes.If you have no or little experience with programming, it may be worth hiring a developer to help you with this.
IgorI’ll keep you posted!
Have a good dayin reply to: missing XING in Social ButtonsNice! ๐
in reply to: Envato Market Plugin cannot be updatedHello Kiran,
regarding your questions:
1. could you provide me more details about the customizations you need? It sounds a little bit generic. It would be nice if you can support your request with some screenshots.2. You can customize left sidebar and off-canvas sidebar by going on your backend and then Appearance -> Widgets. Here you can add and sort all the widgets available.
I am looking forward to hear you back.
Have a good day,Andrea
in reply to: How to change the page layout of Event pageA quick side note about youtube embedding: as my collegue Andrea says, it is totally legal, in fact youtube channel owners have the option to prevent embedding if they want to (for example you can’t embed VEVO videos and many similar ones).
It’s possible that, if you encounter a video with limitations, you first see it editing the site, but while accessing from another browser you’ll see a note saying the video is unavailable. then you’ll know it’s not good for embedding, otherwise, you can stay cool that it’s allowed (actually you also increase their views :).
Igorin reply to: Header Image not displayedThanks for the information, actually you could add it but would require a lot of code and work. You should make the icon, add the HTML and the CSS manually and put files in the child theme, but if you are not a developer this might be tricky.
Instead, as it seems to be a quite important site, we can add it to our icons, but you need to wait a little bit (some days) so we can put it in an update. We have one scheduled for next week, so you could have the job done at no cost.
Is it ok for you?in reply to: missing XING in Social ButtonsHello!
Actually there are a lot of them, you may look maybe for “reservation plugin” but I might say that there are really a lot of them.
Many of the free ones are good too, it all depends on your needs, because they are all very different and with a lot of options, so it’s not possible to provide a single answer, you have to check them and see their capabilities in order to know what fits your needs.
I’d suggest to start with free ones.
If you want to even allow direct online payments, for sure the (expensive) woocommerce booking is the one which integrates best.Some free ones there are literally tons of them, the only way is to read their functions, make a list of the 3-4 with the tools you need, and install them to try.
If you don’t find any that you like, then on Codecanyon you may find another great list of paid ones (not expensive thou).
Important: the theme can’t guarantee compatibility with EVERY plugin as there are 120 thousands available. If you experience minor design glitches and need some help changing small things like button colors we may help with a bit of CSS, anyway please remember that this goes out of the support boundaries so we can’t go very deep with support for 3rd party plugins.
in reply to: Suitable Appointment PluginHello Terrence,
navigation background on hover can be removed easily with some CSS code.
Just go to Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS and paste this little code snippet:.qt-menubar ul.qt-desktopmenu>li:not(.qt-menubuttons):hover, .qt-menubar ul.qt-desktopmenu>li:not(.qt-menubuttons)>a:hover {background: transparent !important;}
All the best,
Andreain reply to: Nav Menu problemIt’s totally legal embedding from YouTube. ๐
If you are going to buy some footage from Fotolia, then you have to upload it on Youtube in order to get it work as a video background.
WP Bakery Page Builder permits custom video background linked only from YouTube.Regarding the photo size: the average monitor resolution in the world is 1920×1080, so the suggested resolution (1600×500) is a good compromise.
In order to have an image that fits the header you have to just change the setting of the background image in the design tab of the row and set it to “Cover”.
Check the image below:
If you have any other questions I would be happy to answer you.
Andreain reply to: Header Image not displayedHello Susanne,
before installing the new zip, on your backend go to Plugins -> Installed Plugins and deactivate Envato Market Plugins. Once deactivated, delete it and then try to install the zip file you’ve downloaded with Chrome.This should work.
Andreain reply to: Envato Market Plugin cannot be updatedSure! You can add YouTube video background by editing the row with WP Bakery Page Builder. Check this image below:
Hope this can help you.
Andreain reply to: Header Image not displayedHello!
I understand you have been looking for the ZIP in the product folder, the fact is that the plugins are on our server (so they are always up to date).
But when you try the installation and you have errors, it should display the URL of the plugin.For your convenience I just took it for you, please find it here: the installation problem (cURL error 35) it can be caused by different factors.
1) If your site is in HTTPS, your server may have settings that blocks the plugin installation. Anyway, you should have problems with all of the plugins (not only with the Envato Market).
2) If you have other plugins installed (in particular security plugins) they may be blocking the connection because of the CURL http protocol (NON ssl) of the plugins. In this case, you may please disable temporary the security plugins you may have and try again.
It still remains very strange that you only had the problem with this particular plugin only.
So you can install it manually from the provided link, but understanding the origin of the issue would be the best for you and also for us ๐
Looking forward for your feedback,
best regards
Andreain reply to: Envato Market Plugin cannot be updatedHi Susanne,
I don’t speak German but I think the situation is clear. ๐
As I can see you havenโt cURL enabled on your server. You can fix the issue by enabling cURL on your server if you have direct access to the server control panel, otherwise you should ask your hosting provider to do so.Another way to fix it is by installing manually the plugin and you can find the zip file and its documentation here:
Keep me posted on that.
All the best,Andrea
This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by
in reply to: Envato Market Plugin cannot be updatedHello Susanne!
You can share your screenshots with us easily using imgur ( or Droplr ( order to change the homepage header background, you should edit the page with WP Bakery Page Builder, find the first row containing your hero titles and edit its background.
See this image as reference:
If you have any other issues I would be happy to help you.
Have a good day,Andrea
in reply to: Header Image not displayedHello,
it looks like your WordPress folder permissions can be wrong.
This is a server configuration problem so our support cannot reach every possible cause, but the most common fix is to edit the folder permissions via FTP.These are 2 detailed and illustrated tutorials that can help you
in reply to: Installation ErrorHello ideereich,
thanks for writing in. Andrea here from Themes2go Customer Support and I will assist with your report.
In order to support you, I need a screenshot of your backend on the page you are editing. Are you editing a page in WP Bakery Page Builder or in the Customize panel?Thanks for your kind words about the theme, really appreciate it! ๐
Keep me posted on this,
all the best.Andrea
in reply to: Header Image not displayedHello GezPerez,
It seems something went wrong installing the theme with its plugins.
The 500 internal server error runs on every page of your site when thereโs a problem with the server or file system thatโs powering your site. The cause most likely occurs in the root directory, where your WordPress files are, but it can also be caused by a problem on your hostโs server.It could be generated from different things (corrupted .htaccess, Memory size limit, corrupted plugin folder and so on).
First of all, try to follow the video tutorial below.
This should solve your issue. If not, reply back here and I will help troubleshooting it.
All the best,Andrea
in reply to: Installation ErrorHi there!
This kind of customization requires a little edit to the PHP code.
Make sure to backup your website before proceedingFirst, make sure you are using the Lifecoach Child Theme.
Then go to wp-content/themes/lifecoach/phpincludes and make a copy of your part-header-caption-event.phpIn your child theme, on wp-content/themes/lifecoach-child,create a new folder named phpincludes and Move the copy of part-header-caption-event.php inside it.
Now edit part-header-caption-event.php in this way:
erase from line 32 to 34 this code:
<?php echo esc_attr(date_i18n( get_option("date_format", "d M Y"), strtotime( get_post_meta($post->ID, "eventdate", true) ))) ?>
Save it and now the date will not be more printed on the page.
If you need more support on this, just ask me. ๐Andrea
This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by
in reply to: Remove Date From EventsHello jtezze,
thanks for writing. Andrea here from Themes2go Customer Support and I will assist you with your request.
It seems something went wrong with the demo contents import.
Please make a installation of the theme from scratch following this video tutorial:
Further details here in this manual’s page: me posted on this.
Have a good day,Andrea
in reply to: Problem With "Professional" Demo Content Install -
This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by