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Just tested, it works like a charm in no time in your site:
I think you are doing something wrong in your procedure, have no idea what exactly, but please read step-by-step the procedure described in the documentation and in my previous post, as there isn’t a single click of difference between that and what I did in your site to create the post.
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by
in reply to: video visualization problemThanks logging now. Please don’t post anymore user and pw here because this forum is public.
in reply to: video visualization problemHello and thanks for your test and updates, if the difference was the demo data, the only difference between that and your site could have been the Customizer settings.
It’s possible that during the latest theme review it has been asked by the Themeforest reviewer to set as optional the automatic video detection with default on False.
So this could have been the only difference…We used the demo data to duplicate many times the demo sites for test purposes and was always working fine so I can’t think about other possibilities, but if you found the issue very good.
About the thumbnails I’m not sure I understand your issue completely, but I’m going to explain you the correct procedure and the key parts:
1) Be sure to have the plugin active when adding the video
2) Create a new post to add the new video, as editing another post may cause WordPress to not update the hidden meta fields containing the meta details. This is a well known WordPress bug that we reported, together with other developers, to the WP crew a long time ago, but still there is no solution.
So be sure to create a new post, and be sure to add the video at the beginning of the content, paste the URL, remove foreign parameters from the URl, and hit “backspace” so the video gets embedded.3) IMPORTANT: the video thumbnail plugin can create the thumbnail only when you publish the post. You have a button close to the featured image to manually regenerate its thumbnail, if you need.
4) be sure to choose Video as post format
5) Of couser, even thou you may have it correctly set already, in Customizer be sure to have automatic video header enabled, in the video section.
If you still have any issue please let me know, i’ll help you asap.
Eventually please add some screenshots of your backend, so we can see if there may be any setting to fix.
Thank you
best regards
Igorin reply to: video visualization problemI’m sorry for the misunderstanding.
Well, actually the layout in mobile is like this because the screen is small and there is no room for the icon on the left of the text, so we thought was better centered.
By the way you can edit it via CSS and change the position like this:blockquote::before { display: inline; }
Or give it some absolute positioning so you can do more particular things with negative margins and similar CSS tricks.
To change the size, you can change the font size (in case you need).in reply to: Bloclquote on mobileHello! I see it fine (see screenshot can you please post a screenshot of your issue?
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by
in reply to: Bloclquote on mobileHi! It needs to be enabled:
1) Go in Visual Composer
2) Click Role Manager
3) Select Custom
4) Enable Events
5) Save
6) Save draft or update the event and the visual composer will appearIf you still have any question please let me know
thanks!in reply to: Can’t edit and Event page. No visual editor.Hello DomeDal, I think that probably the video header is disabled.
go to Appearance > Customize > Video settings and enable “Add Video Header”. Is as well suggested to enable also “Hide the first video from contents” as the video is already in the header and otherwise it will appear as well in the contents.Remember to click “Save & Publish” once done. After publishing the post and enabling the video function, you will see the player appearing in the header of the video.
in reply to: video visualization problemIf you encounter any difficulty please let me know, thanks 😉
in reply to: Modify footerAh fantastic, I’ll explain you all I can 😉
1) PHP: lifecoach/phpincludes/footerwidgets.php (line 92 and below)
you see that there are 2 DIV
– col s12 m12 l8
and-col s12 m12 l4
To start, put all columns to 12
col s12 m12 l12
2) CSS: you have to add styling for
.qt-footer-bottom .qt-menu-socialI recommend to put the custom CSS in the style.css of the child theme, better than in the customizer for performance.
3) remember to copy the custom PHP in lifecoach-child/phpincludes (to save from updates)
You’ll have to play a bit with the CSS to give it some priority probably, but that’s the best way of doing what you need. If you need more hints please let me know!
Igorin reply to: Modify footerHello, I’m sorry but this type of customization requires many changes on different PHP, html and CSS files, it is not an easy thing to do and even thou we normally provide tiny css changes out of the theme support boundaries, what you ask requires quite some work and we can’t provide it because it would result much more expensive than our earnings.
Such change may require lot of testing across multiple devices, testing with different contents and the solution of new problems it may cause, so is not simple as it may seem.If you wish to hire a developer for this, we can point him in the right direction about the correct files to mofify.
I’m really really sorry but that’s all we can do for you regarding this,
Igorin reply to: Modify footerHi Binomio,
we’ve just released an update of Lifecoach WordPress Theme including your request of Linkedin sharing.
In order to update your theme please refer to this manual page:,
Andreain reply to: how to use share iconsPerfect thank you for the feedback!
Have a nice day 😉in reply to: Problems after Installing Life Coach WordPress ThemeHello and thanks for your reply, I think the best is to download the latest product version (is not out on themeforest yet).
There are many improvements and it will probably fix your issue.
Please find the file here: This is NOT the theme file but the full product, so please unzip it locally and upload only the theme as you did the first time.
After replacing the old theme version, you’ll see a notice asking you to install the Theme Daskboard plugin, and from there it will all proceed smoothly.
If you encounter any other issue please let me know, we are here to help 😉
Igorin reply to: Problems after Installing Life Coach WordPress ThemeHello dear Rokky, it is the first time we hear about such issue, and there may be a couple of things to check:
1) Go in your plugins and be sure that the Theme Dashboard Plugin is active
2) If is active, you wil for sure see theme dashboard on the left menu
3) From there you can go in plugins and be sure they are all active (the list is empty or you will see a message)
4) Once plugins are installed, you have to manually import the demo you like as you see in the video.If you get stuck in one of those passages please take a screenshot, upload it on and please send us the link here, so we can see what’s happening.
Visual Composer: please read this chapter of the manual: we provide videos for a quick theme installation and configuration, but please check the manual for a detailed information because the theme is much more than what you see in the videos.
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
in reply to: Problems after Installing Life Coach WordPress ThemeHello!That text is not “cutted” is the title of the testimonial, meant to be just a short text and wordpress itself cuts it.
But we are working on a new update where the slides are linked to the single page, and this update will be out in the next theme reply to: Mobile styles helpHi,
I’ve just forwarded your question to our developers.
They’ll be getting in touch you soon.Bye,
Andreain reply to: Mobile styles helpHello,
you can activate the secondary header just going on your WordPress Backend and clicking on Appeareance -> Customize -> Header -> Secondary Menu.To setup your Social accounts you can go on Appeareance -> Customize -> Social Networks.
For any other further information about customizing your website try our manual over here:
in reply to: Header with social iconsHello, please add this CSS in appearance > customize > CSS
.qt-menubar ul.qt-desktopmenu>li:not(.qt-menubuttons):hover, .qt-menubar ul.qt-desktopmenu>li:not(.qt-menubuttons) a:hover {background: transparent !important;}
It will make the hover transparent, otherwise change transparent in any color you prefere.
Igorin reply to: Home Page Logo in headerHello!
We can add it in the next update but I can’t really say when it will be out.
Thanks!in reply to: Navigation Icon for scrolling to top of pageHello!
This is normal and doesn’t depend on the theme, I noticed that Visual Composer is not adding P and I think they do that for some compatibility or output-encoding reason, but we usually make a double return and that is translated into a new chapter in frontend, so I’d suggest you this method.Thanks!
Igorin reply to: Text editor removes tagsHello again,
the thing you mean to do is not actually possible for the reason that there is no shortcode to create the sharing function in Visual Composer.We will add this function in the next theme update, but for the moment you can achieve almost the same thing in the way suggested from my collegue Andrea in the previous post.
With the next theme update you’ll be able to add also the column with the sharing.
I’ll do my best to provide this implementation as soon as reply to: Home Page + PageWe are doing a quick consultation about your case, please hold a bit,
Thank youin reply to: Home Page + PageI’m sorry that’s a bit complex and had to schedule it for the next update.
Need to do also proper testing from many devices so was not possible to deliver it so shortly. I think in about a week could be reply to: Testimonial banner – clickableHello gualdoni,
you can achieve that result by simply using Visual Composer Page Builder.
I’ve just recorded a video to help you.If you need any more help please reply below.
Have a good day,
Andreain reply to: Home Page + PageHello!
Thanks for your feedback we will see how to do it in one of those ways 😉Please find here the PPT template, business cards and letterhead MS Word template 😉
If you are happy with the service, we would really appreciate a good rating 😀 Thanks!!
Will get back to you when the update with the testimonials is live. Thank you and have a nice day!
in reply to: Testimonial banner – clickableHello Binomio!
Sass files are not css, is a programming language to dinamically create the css.
Scss files need to be compiled into css/ttg-main.css.You can find more info here: you need small css changes please let us know so we can help you.
Also, as your name seems italian, we can attend you in italian if you want.Bye,
Andreain reply to: Can I modify sass files?Hello! I understand… could it be good for you if we link the name to the single testimonial page?
in reply to: Testimonial banner – clickableHello,
we finally updated Lifecoach Theme to 1.6 version including optional time value for Events countdownYou can follow these instructions to update the theme: any further information please reply below.
Have a good day,Andrea
in reply to: Life coach – events – countdown – timerHello jminganti,
we finally updated Lifecoach Theme to 1.6 version including:- optional time value for Events countdown
- translatability for countdown labels (days, hours…)
In order to get the newer strings please update the .po files inside your editor.
You can follow these instructions to update the theme: any further information please reply below.
Have a good day,Andrea
in reply to: Some Doubts -
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by