Forum Replies Created
Actually there was no linkedin option, but another customer asked for this feature so we are adding it for sure in a couple of days.
About Youtube and Instagram, it is not actually provided any Javascript sharing method, so is technically not an option we can practice, I’m sorry.For Instagram there is a different possibility represented by sharing a picture from a website on an instagram profile, but that can only be applied to images and not to a page URL, and you may require a specific plugin to do that.
We will alert you once the LinkedIn sharing is added, thanks!
in reply to: how to use share iconsHello Smithie,
before proceeding please make a backup of your website and check if you’re using the child theme. For reference follow our manual at this point:’s important that you have the child theme activated, make a copy from Lifecoach theme of the following files and put them into this path /wp-content/themes/lifecoach-child/phpincludes. Please make a copy of these files:
- part-header-caption-post.php
- part-post-author.php
- sharepage.php
After done this, we can proceed with your questions.
Remove Author from hero image
in /wp-content/themes/lifecoach-child/phpincludes/part-header-caption-post.php remove code from line 20 to 24.Remove Author towards the bottom
Inside /wp-content/themes/lifecoach-child/phpincludes/part-post-author.php erase the content. The file must be empty.Share bar
Actually Lifecoach Theme doesn’t have the possibility to add other social networks. If you wanna remove the share bar you have to edit /wp-content/themes/lifecoach-child/phpincludes/sharepage.php end erase code from line 12 to 48.Remove comments
To fasten things you can try this free plugin from WordPress repository: you need more support please reply below.
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
in reply to: Remove Author from Single Post HeaderHello!
1) we will add translatability and also event time in the next theme update that will be out on sunday.2) You have set as accent color white, which is not very recommendable as this theme is based on meterial design colors scheme.
It would be very i mportant that you please check how material design colors works here:
The accent color should always be set ad a bright color ( a color visible both on dark and light backgrounds).
Setting it white may result in readability issues.
The text on the accent color is always white notmally, so is better to choose a contrast color within the color scheme.
I see your site correctly at the moment: the way this will represent a problem in the buttons because it will be white buttons on white backgrounds with white text.
So if you set all colors white they can’t be visible.3) background image: you can set the background image in the ROW background settings, please set it as background image with COVER mode
More info in the Visual Composer manual: let me know if you need more info, thanks!
in reply to: Some DoubtsHi,
we’ve received you email within the screenshots under the spam filter, so please use only our forums to get instant support.
I figured out what’s your problem with the countdown event: actually there is not a “Hour of the event” field in backend. You can only set the date Year – month – day. Actually you can add the hour of the event by simply writing it down in the description.
The feature you need could be integrated in the new release but we didn’t set a date of launch reply to: Life coach – events – countdown – timerHello,
in our theme is included the bundled version of Visual Composer and you don’t need to activate it to just use it. In order to get all the premium features of the plugin you need to buy a license from its developer.For other information you can read this section’s manual:
About the differences between bundled and premium version have a look here: you have any other questions feel free to contact me.
Have a good day,
This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by
in reply to: Visual Composer activationHello!
Soundcloud get automatically embedded when you link to a profile or track, to avoid that you can shorten the URL using the free Google shortener, which also gives you a great advantage in terms of statistics:in reply to: Right Side Bar ImagesAlso please remember to set the date as year-month-day in this way:
2017-12-22in reply to: Life coach – events – countdown – timerPlease use this ervice to send us the scheenshots: reply to: Life coach – events – countdown – timerHello, when you are in mobile, the first item when clicked, if has sub menus, only open/closes the sub menu, to allow you trigger the action.
I just retested all both in safari desktop at 500px width and in a real iPhone 6s iOS10, in both cases it works fine.We would like to know please in which website the issue happens, on which device/OS version and if you see the same issue also looking at our demo theme.
Thanksin reply to: Safari mobile menu failsHi,
our developers are working to fix it and make it translatable.
We’ll contact you when done.Have a good day,
in reply to: Some DoubtsHello,
your issue seems to be a bit strange. Could you send us a screenshot of the backend settings and one of the single event in frontend?Thanks,
in reply to: Life coach – events – countdown – timerSorry I forgot that maybe you were meaning the form in the home page!
That one you just have to change via HTML the form parameters accordingly to your newsletter provider.
If you use for example “Mail Chimp” you create a form from mailchimp and then copy the names of the fields and action of the form, because there are so many providers that we can’t implement hundreds of cases, and this part is just up to every customer’s choice.If you know the data from your provider (you have for example the HTML of a form) you can send it to us so we help you with this.
Looking forward for your reply!
in reply to: Newsletter Form Help NeededHello!
I just tested and your site appears correctly:I sent a test eail from our email, let me know if you receive it
The PHP file is called email_sender.php and it seems working fine.
let me know if you still have problems or you fixed, thanks!
My apologies for the slow answer but everybody is in holiday this week.Thanks!
in reply to: Newsletter Form Help NeededHello! That’s just a statement based on a static declaration, don’t worry, the theme is fully woocommerce-proof and all the templates are updated to work with the latest woocommerce version. We will make the notice disappear for the next update but don’t worry about funcitonality, you are fully covered 😉
it looks like in the contents you have some dirty data, in fact you can see some white space at the top of the text which seems resulting from some copy and paste from other places and this breaks the page.The best thing is to add the text for the short biography in the other field (short bio)
in reply to: About members page and event pageNo problem we are here to help, thanks you for your collaboration 😉
in reply to: My Account Trashed ErrorThanks for the feedback, thank the thing is another: some page attributes as featured image and page settings needs to save the page to see the changes, when looking the preview from admin those settings are not update (that’s a defautl wordpress thing).
in reply to: Blog Header / BannerHello!
1) Go in event details and delete all the purchase options: Can you please link me your members page so I can understand what is happening? Thanks!
in reply to: About members page and event pageThis looks like a permalinks error.
The page may have been removed, or the permalink has changed.
Please go in your list of pages (admin side) and be sure to locate your page from there.
Once you are sure about which is your page, go in the WooCommerce settings and check which page you have set for every WooCommerce option:If you still have any problem with the settings, please check this page: it has some very important videos that will show you the procedure in detail:
Please let me know if still anything isn’t fitting.
Thanks!in reply to: My Account Trashed ErrorNo problem!
We used a Photoshop template from Graphic River: reply to: E-Books Cover QuestionHello, sorry for the weekend pause, unfortunately you posted right after the office closing 😛
I just checked your site ad I see the featured image correctly changed.
One thing: be sure to NOT set the blog page in Settings->Readingeneral. In this theme, the blog template has some customization features, and if you go in Settings->Reading and set the blog page there, your custom settings will be ignored because WordPress is not able to read cutom page settings for pages set as blog reply to: Blog Header / BannerHello,
you’ve installed the wrong demo content. Please follow this manual page as reference to get the correct Woocommerce homepage:
You can reset your WordPress Installation by installing a plugin called WP Reset: a good day!
in reply to: Setting The Live Ecom homepage as staticHello Geoff, the problem is that podcast is a custom post type and your plugin is not built to support feeds of custom post types, nothing to do with the theme, is a limitation of your plugin. We recommend to get in touch with the plugin developer and ask how to add support for custom types.
Then in case his reply requires any intervention on our behalf please let me know what he says.
Thanks!in reply to: Mobile Version of SiteHi Smithie,
all the contents featured in the main demo are already installed on your server.
You can simply have a preview there: can manually set the “Demo 1 Homepage” by editing your preferences via WordPress backend in Settings/Reading and then choosing “Life Coach WordPress Theme” as a default Front Page.
See the image as reference.Save it and it should be all ok.
Let me know I you need more support.Have a good day,
in reply to: Only WooCommerce Demo Content?Update:
we found the issue with the translation in the plugin: was due to a recend update.
Please download already the updated version here: you can replace the plugin folder via FTP (portuguese translation is already inside) OR you can deactivate the old plugin version and install manually the attached one.
In the new version, as you maybe don’t need it for your local regulations, we removed the obligation for the privacy terms, so it will allow you to send the message also without the provacy terms and checkbox.
in reply to: Some DoubtsHello!
1) I think what you mention about translating is the official translation procedure as per manual, which means translating the plugin using poedit and placing a fileqt-contactform-es_ES.po
qt-contactform-es_ES.moin the folder wp-content/plugins/qt-contactform/languages
this is the only working procedure, be sure to call the file with the appropriate name. I’ve been trying to reach your /languages plugin folder but is not possible to reach it.
[Original answer edited]
I see you have Portuguese file correctly created, i’m testing it locally: get back in few minutes with an update on this.
2) By law you need to please indicate a “privacy terms” link in the form settings, which will enable a privacy terms checkbox in the form. Just put the URL of any page and will be enabled.
3) This form is made to be a “quick and fast” contact form possibility, I know it can be limiting, but is to save the time otherwise needed to configure complex plugins as Contact Form 7, if you need more options, you can switch to Contact Form 7 or any other contacts plugin. The main reason why we added this plugin despite there are tons, is exactly because they are all complicated and long to set up, that’s why this one doesn’t have options.
4) We are adding translatability in the next theme update, still not implemented now.
Next update should be out next week.
Hope I answered all your questions, otherwise please let me know.
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
in reply to: Some DoubtsThank you for the feedback Geoff, you didn’t waste my time at all, this is normal support service and I’m glad that the issue was sorted out 🙂
hey is there a possibility you can leave us a 5star rating on our product? This would help us a lot in maintaining the product and providing new updates and functions in the future, me and all the team would really appreciate that. It takes 10 seconds and you can do it here: you so much for your collaboration, let me know if there is anything else we can do for you.
Have a great Sunday!
T2gin reply to: Mobile Version of SiteHello!
Sorry for the late reply but on weekend we don’t usually work 😀
If you are experiencing this, it is for sure a plugin doing that.
Can you please post a screenshot of all your active plugins?
Also the URL of your site would help us a lot please.
You can use for uploading large size screenshots, then copy the URL here in answer.Thanks!
in reply to: Mobile Version of SiteHello,
for better performance the testimonial slideshow can show 3,5 and 7 items.
You can select it in Visual Composer Tab after choosing the proper shortcode element.
See the image as reference.Have a good day!
in reply to: testimonials settingHello, full manual here for demo content:
in reply to: Demo content