07. Website Customizations
With Vlogger - Video WordPress Theme you can customize most part of your website look and feel, changing colors, fonts and many other options without any coding knowledge.
Site Identity
Here you can set the website title and payoff.
In the header you can define
- Website logo
- Header default background
- Menu layout
- Header transparency
- Off Canvas background
- Watch Later function
- Search in header bar
- Secondary header visibility
- Call to action text and link
- YouTube channel subscription
- YouTube user subscription
Set your website colors following the principles of Google's Material Design guidelines. This modern and innovative design method is based on choosing a color palette to use overall the entire site, that will be automatically applied for all the similar elements. This coloring method guarantees perfect usability and readability.
- Primary colors: are used for menu and footer backgrounds. Use any dark color
- Accent color: used for interactive elements, buttons and links of primary relevance
- Secondary color: used for interaction of sidebar, footer and any secondary area of the pages
- Background: the page background when there are no other contents on top (body)
- Paper background: default color of any item containing texts
- Text color: the color used to write on top of the "Paper" color. Use a high contrast color to pair with backgorund and Paper colors.
Here you can choose fonta families and other typographical setting for the fonts used across the website.
Is recommended to use fonts with good contrast between titles and body copy.
For a complete font list please check https://fonts.google.com/
ReAktions is the slick and performant plugin bundled with Vlogger to add interactivity to your website.
With ReAktions you can add to the selected contents:
- Post views
- Post likes
- Share on Google+, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest
- User star rating
To manage which services to activate, please visit Settings > ReAktions.
This function requires the ReAktions plugin to be installed and actived (see Installation chapter).
Ads placement
To offer a professional monetization support, with Vlogger you can add your advertisements, banners and affiliation codes in up to 12 template locations, choosing among single post, pages, archives, menu, footer and more.
Via Customizer you can see in realtime the results of your ads placement, and you can craft perfectly the final design.
For some ads it is also possible to hide the slot while in mobile, for a better mobile user experience without too many banners.
Important: the content of the ADS placements is sanitized via default WordPress sanitarization process. This means that you can't add raw javascript as it will be deleted on saving. You can add HTML, images, links or as well shortcodes. So to add affiliation items (from Amazon or AdSense) or any other Double Click monetization or affiliation provider, you have to work with dedicated plugins and add the banners via shortcode in the ads slot. This is the correct and better way to have a solid website safe from hacking attempts and design issues.
Series settings
Series (aka Playlists), can be customized in order to fit the best layout for your specific contents.
You can choose:
- Playlist placement (before or after the main content)
- Playlist layout (list if you want to show more contents, grid for a more rapid playlist view)
- Content layout:
- Boxed - the content stays in a 1170px container
- Boxed with sidebar - 2 columns layout with a special sidebar for Series only
- Unboxed - perfect to create a special landing page with Visual Composer, promoting a serie as an online course, and creating a nice landing / selling page for more professional contents or courses.
- Hidden - Do not display the post content of the single serie, show only the included posts or videos
Static front page
Here you can choose which page to use as Home.
Important: do NOT add your Blog page as Posts page, because this theme allows you to create a special template for your blog by adding a page and choosing the Blog layout, but if you set your blog page as Posts page, the background and attributes of this specific page won't be accessible.
Debug settings
Important: enable only if you need to perform Javascript debugging.
This option is useful if you encounter any design malfunctioning while using third party plugins not provided with the theme. While enabled, the theme will load separate javascript files instead of a single minified javascript. It can also be used if you want to customize privately some javascript libraries to comply particular customizations.
In this way, you will be able to use the browser Console for debugging and understand which code is conflicting.
For normal usage, it is recommended to leave this option off, to guarantee a much faster performance result.
Written by Themes2go
Social icons
The social icons will appear in the Secondary header bar. If not visible, visit Customizations > Header to enable it.
Here you can set the URL of your social networks.